Oh nooooo

Hmmmmm. Well I’m not sure if that’s good or bad then. I hope my second Emmy kit is better.


I didn’t message them about my kits either. Luckily all the spray paint came off easily with Windsor and Newton. There are some black dots now. So the kits would have been considered seconds. But I bought them on sale so it’s fine. I love that BB is replacing or refunding. But in my case I don’t feel that it’s necessary. Nevin already said they have a huge bill to pay. I hate that they have defective kits to deal with on top of all of that.


I haven’t checked my Emmy. If I can find her I’ll do the flashlight test on her too.


I feel really bad that they are dealing with this now on too if everything else :pleading_face: we need to be a little more accepting like that. They are always so gracious and generous. No other kit supplier has 50% sales!


Thank you! If we lose BB, they probably won’t be able to come back, like so many other businesses. And I’d hate to see them lose their livelihood and dream.


That’s what I am wondering. Because my Emmy and Marnie had patches where paint wouldn’t adhere. I put my Emmy to the side. I’m going to check her out.


Mine took paint really dark in those spots.

Mine had like beading like paint just wouldn’t absorb. It was darker than the rest.


If we put some kind of primer on these kits will they take even paint and hold it?

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I don’t think so. If the paint they put on eventually cracks, it will take a primer with it.

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I assume it has to be scrubbed down really well first then primed.


BB has discussed this with the factory that was producing these kits.



How long did it take for them to get back to you? I sent an email Wednesday and still haven’t heard back :confused:

About a week

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it took a week for them to reply to me as well…

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I think I am going to be sick. I just checked my most recent kits, Sage. I have purchased soooo many kits over the last couple months. The thought of checking them all and trying to find the painted pieces is heartbreaking. This is one sage head before and after a test with Winsor and Newton. 91% alcohol wouldn’t remove it. Does anyone know what BB plans to do? Do I need to take pictures of every piece of every damaged kit to get replacements? It would be easier to just return everything and start over, but the shipping cost would be insane. I know they are in a mess with this at BB, but I work a full time job and we also have a duck farm. I barely have time to rarely make a reborn baby. I definetly don’t have time to try to inspect and possibly strip about 40 kits. It would also cost a lot for that much Windsor and Newton. I was stocking up for the next “hard times”, but apparently that bit me quick. :disappointed:


I could not see or feel the paint at all. Only the light inside the blank kit exposed it. It looks like they were trying to cover a tiny black dot that you can’t even hardly see in person. The paint overspray seems to cover the whole head! All this for a tiny black spec that would have been completely workable, had they just left well enough alone!


I don’t know what they are planning on doing. It’s not fair all around. I’m still waiting on a reply to my email from almost a week ago. I can’t use Windsor and Newton to strip the paint off so I’m stuck with an unusable kit right now. Have you tried emailing them to see what they say?

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Not yet, but I will. I hate to bombard them right now. I know they are probably getting swamped with this. I also need to inspect them all, to see how many bad kits were delivered to me, before I contact them.