Oh nooooo

That is terrible!
After further inspection of my Alyssa I got out my rooting lamp like you to see if I had any other spots or just the one. Yours is much worse then mine but I do have more spots on the head and on the right leg and left arm.

Please excuse my crappy cell phone pictures. Hopefully the “coverup” paint is visible in them.


Now I can justify that I’ve hoarded enough kits, supplies and baby clothes to keep me busy for a looong time without worrying about any of these current issues.


I need to check all my new kits I guess.

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Thank you for sharing the light test idea. This made it easy for me to check all of my newer kits quickly. The light makes the spray paint very easy to spot. But I could see no paint spots with my naked eye. Nor could I feel a difference. But here’s my results.
Johannah asleep was perfect.
Steven asleep was perfect.
Steven awake had paint on a leg and an arm
Callie seconds had her whole entire scalp covered in spray paint.
The paint came off of mine easily with Windsor and Newton. Under the paint on Steven I only found one small black dot. Under Callie’s paint were 5 black dots scattered all over her scalp. All would be easily covered with hair.
Anyway. If they aren’t already doing so, @bbsupport needs to be doing the flashlight test. It’s easy, quick, and effective.


If you have any more of the newer kits I’d definately give them a closer inspection. I quickly went over all my newer kits last night and I mean ALL of them lol the only ones I didn’t scoop were Alyssa and Blake :woman_facepalming:t2: My pre inspection didn’t show much so I soaked and scrubbed them and will go over them again.

I’m finding it hard to accept that there are no other problem kits so I’ll probably wipe them all down with W&N :pleading_face:


I do have a few other realborns that I need to check. And I have some new ones on the way. I’m afraid the new ones will be bad too :tired_face: One of them is Sage and so far I haven’t heard anything good about her kit.

On the plus side though, BB did respond to my email and offered a refund or another kit. I’m glad they were quick about responding.


No, I haven’t received a refund, nor did I ask for one, I just want a replacement leg so I can start painting her :slightly_smiling_face:


Wow I emailed yesterday and haven’t heard anything.

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Darn. Maybe they missed it. :cry: Or I may have just gotten lucky.

Lucky you :face_with_raised_eyebrow: After I sent them my order number AND copy of the invoice I’ve been waiting for a response 6 days now :rage:


Does the paint come off pretty easily with scrubbing in hot water and Dawn soap?

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Not on mine, it just got worse


I had to use Windsor and Newton to get it off.


I’m sorry. I would try emailing them again.

I just got an email from BB, they are sending me a replacement limb. :grinning::+1::+1:


See, we knew they would get to it when they could. :smiley: :+1:


They did get back to me and offer me replacement or refund and after much thought I declined. I mean it won’t be that much trouble to strip again and the flaws under the paint aren’t noticeable and since the babies will be for me it’s worth more to me that prices stay low. I’m sure the fallout from all those is going to be pretty widespread so they can keep my money


I am sure they appreciate the willingness of people willing to “work around” a flaw… way to go!


Now this is starting to make me wonder if this was why my Emmy asleep took paint so weird on the top of one of her feet. I have a another Emmy and a few other newer kits that I guess I should check out. I painted Callie with no issues.


I was wondering the same (I have the same problem as you with both Callie and Emmy) but I have stripped them both and it didn’t made any difference, so I don’t think it is the same issue.