Oh nooooo

It’s not only USA, it’s every well developed countries. We care about safety, pollution and work ethic. I don’t think it’s bad.
In counterparts, we get low cost, low quality products.


We care about those things, but then we don’t really want to give up any luxuries in our lives in exchange. So we let other countries do our dirty work, ruin the environment, treat people inhumanely, and then use even more dirty energy hauling everything across the ocean to us. The whole thing is really sick if you think about it.


You got it bro

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I must say I’m a bit disappointed with BB customer service. When I first let them know about my Ruby kit they emailed me back that they couldn’t find my purchase invoice in their records so they could send me a replacement. So I sent them the order # AND a copy of the entire invoice. It’s been 5 days and still no response from them :unamused:.


Here are my pictures. I had to put my rooting lamp inside to see the problem areas

I just finished going over my Ruby’s again and they are so gross :dizzy_face:

Random bits of paint sprayed over the tiniest little black spots. I’m not even sure which rubies they were from. Awake has a teeny little spot behind her left ear. There was paint on the right side of her chin. All the flanges on both sets of arms are dirty. Her left leg flange was dirty and has a spot behind her knee and it was painted all the way down her calf. A right leg had paint on the foot to cover a tiny black spot. A right arm is covered in paint from should you wrist in the outside. I still have to strip that one to see what was being covered up.

It doesn’t come off easily. It smears and gets stuck in the creases and gums up :flushed:

I was going to just strip them and not say anything to BB but now I’m afraid to paint these limbs I’ve spent so much time moving paint around on them :dizzy_face:


It’s just horrible. It’s such a shame, and so frustrating not knowing if they are going to make it right by either refunding or replacing


I have not heard from them as of yet either!


Wow! I have a few of these kits as well. I’m glad that bountiful baby is offering replacements for the damaged kits. But it seems like a headache trying to find the flaws, then send them back for replacement…I wonder how long you have to report a damaged kit to them to be able to get the replacement if I end up having one that’s been painted on as well? Should I go ahead and wash all my kits now?


Why not? See what’s going on before you expect to start a project!

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This look so strange never seen this kind of things before
It is as of the kit was painted and then stripped ?
Is it only on the outside of the head or also inside (the whole vinyl ) can you wipe it off with someting
like alcohol ?

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I tried getting it off and it only got worse.

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After I washed my Steven a tiny black speck appeared on his arm. I’m guessing a dot of paint was probably covering it as I didn’t notice it before I washed him. But I don’t see anything else on him. I really scrubbed and soaked him. I put zit cream on the spot and it has faded way down.


That is just so crazy! I’d be patient, to those who waiting, as they are checking them out. One thing at a time! That is just not okay. Like to go through that trouble of painting over gross. Uhhh…

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I know things have really changed during the pandemic but whatever factory they are using now really sucks if they (the factory) are trying to cover up “issues” with the vinyl. We NEVER had problems with BB vinyl before. As a matter of fact: I think BB had the BEST vinyl out there. I have purchased many “expensive” kits and there is often problems with the vinyl. Expense doesn’t mean “good” vinyl. I hope BB can get back to using the factories they have always used in the past (if possible). If it IS the same factory they used to use THEN that factory Needs to “really step up it’s game” and create a better product and stop trying to pull the wool over the buyers eyes!!!


I think @bbsupport added another factory because JoyDolls isn’t able to keep up… Unless the faulty kits have JD and a number on the flange, then they are from a different factory.


That’s what I figured.

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I’m sure they will make it right. Since it is such a wide spread problem it may take time to even get to everyone with issues. I just emailed them today because I was just going to deal with it but after trying to strip the paint off with windsor&newton I could see that it was just smearing it around and caking it in the creases and now I’m afraid to paint her but I really love her.


I agree, I REALLY LOVE THIS KIT. I don’t mind waiting, I can understand that. What bothers me is the “no response” issue. If they would just “let me know” I don’t mind waiting, understand what I mean? When I first started my cake business 11 years ago, my Son had already opened his Tattoo Shop, and he told me this " Never leave a customer unanswered. Even if your not sure of the answer, just always respond to them, just to let them know your on it." That’s GOOD business.


Agreed. Maybe a gentle reminder is necessary? Stating exactly what you just said about not minding waiting but you’d like to know if there was a plan… maybe they already issued you a refund? Did you check?

I am looking forward to a Ruby painted by you!

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@PhotographyForLife thank you for directing me to this thread. I think this is the same issue I am having with my Alyssa kit. I will be stripping her down and seeing if that solves my problem. She definitely does feel like she has a “film” of sorts on her especially in that area. I had emailed BB this morning about it before posting here but now I am nervous because I ordered a Sage the other day. :grimacing: