Oh nooooo

If your kits have JD plus a number on the neck, they are from Joy Dolls (the “good factory”) and won’t have paint covering flaws. Hopefully not as bad as you are anticipating.


Thank you so much! I will look for that before I light them up. Maybe it will make weeding out the troubled ones less of a headache. Thank you for the advice and encouragement! I wanted to cry at first, but maybe now that I know what I am looking for, it won’t seem so overwhelming. Maybe BB would be willing to do partial refunds for those willing to strip their flawed kits? I could mark all my bad kits to remind me to strip it before I start. That would make it less overwhelming too. I did contact them just now to ask what I need to do. I don’t expect a quick response. I know they are far more overwhelmed with all of this than I am. I can’t imagine all the trouble it has caused for them too!


Not necessarily true. Irresistibles and Macs do

I appreciate that you’re sharing your personal plans to help improve the situation. This might help others as well.

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My Ruby appears to have been painted also. I am going to try to scrub it and work with it.

I scrubbed the paint off with Palmolive and baking soda using a crotched scrubby. I circled the black dot that appears to have been painted over. I am just going to work with it since I don’t sell babies.

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Sorry… get out your Windsor Newton!!!

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So sorry this happens they should get you a refund did you pay full price for here ?

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Yes. I am ok with the kit. I scrubbed the paint off and am painting the kit.

Ok~I’ve come across this same issue~ I can’t get the paint out of the creases~ I’ve tried toothbrushes & idk what else to do & it left a yellow spot on the lower part of the shin


Send the pics to BB and get a refund. It’s not worth the hassle


It looks like a lot of it on your kit.:woman_facepalming:t2:


Me to! I have examined mine to this point!

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