Katie is from our original factory. We have not seen paint on vinyl with the original factory.
We are inspecting kits more thoroughly as they go out if they are from the new factory, though, so we shouldn’t be seeing nearly the amount of issues with future kits that are shipped. Inspecting kits as they go out is slowing down shipping a bit, though. Once we catch up after the sales, we should be able to re-inspect before the kits go on the shelf rather than inspecting as they go out.
The new factory has assured us that they won’t paint anything from future shipments. They do understand how big of a deal it is now. We explained to them the issues of how it is not compatible with the paint our customers use, and that it does nothing to improve the quality of the kit. Painting them was a complete waste of time for both them and us. They get that now. It’s been quite a mess sorting out the kits that were painted.