Baby Raspberry UPDATE: teeny baby feet! post 64

Perfect, Izzy…this is going to be one totally adorable baby…can’t wait to see her/him finished


A friend suggested I call her Raspberry lol. Cause it looks like she’s blowing a raspberry :joy: I love quirky names so I might just go with it haha!


Thanks @westernstarr and @nimlet

Great Job Izzy------this sculpt would also make an adorable "non-downs baby!! Cute as a button!! Your talent is astounding!!!

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Thanks, Lynn! I feel like a tiny bit of a fail cause you can’t tell she’s downs. I don’t know why I couldn’t figure it out!!! I googled characteristics of downs baby and everything. :sweat_smile: I guess she’s still cute enough, though. Glad you guys all like her!

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I think you can tell shes downs somewhat .
I didnt realize you wanted downs and thought she looked different than a normal baby so you are doing well.

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Yes, that’s a cute name, and would get my attention. :heart:


Thanks ladies! Glad you like the name too. @Rirish oh great! Thank you! :slight_smile:

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Izzy maybe Downs Syndrome babies don’t look all that different at birth but develop more characteristic’s as they age?? I don’t have any idea, just thinking MAYBE??? Does anyone know??

I dunno! I’ve met/played with downs children but never babies. Here are some pics of sleeping downs babies. I think it’s just harder to tell when they’re tiny and sleeping. Aren’t they all so adorable, though???


They’re all beautiful babies xx

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See you really can’t tell-----so just make babies and people can say they’re Downs Syndrome babies if they want too!!! That’s what I would do. We see our babies as we want to see them anyway, right???


So precious…I think they are just little angels! :smile:

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Thanks Lynn…Im going to sell her as a downs baby cause that’s what I had in mind but people who buy her definitely don’t need to keep her that way. :wink:

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I am so excited to have one !!! I love her ! I wAited for a perfect downs baby… And she is the one!

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Darned puppy snuck into my sculpting room when I turned my head and chewed up Raspberry’s body. I had barely started it and I don’t think she swallowed any (I’ll be keeping an eye on her though). Gotta look on the bright side.

I know I should be feeling pissed but I’m too relieved it wasn’t Raspberry’s head. Then I think I would’ve cried lol!


Hey I’m not alone in the ‘my dog loves eating polymer clay’ fiasco. I googled it and I think even if Jessie swallowed a little, she’ll be fine!

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Ohhhhh so sorry that he did that after all the work…(so glad it wasn’t the head…)…I have read that most polymer clays are not toxic (or at least the toxicity is very very low) it has the safety rating they use for children’s products so he should be fine…

Don’t feel bad…I have a cat that licks plastic bags- Yep…just licks them so I have to squirt him all the time to stop him (Afraid he will suffiocate himself or get a piece off and choke. :neutral_face: I thought something was wrong with him but researched it and found that it is sort of ‘normal’ behaviour for some cats :unamused:

He has always loved plastic bags…(No he is not closed in with no air…hahahahaha) He was about 2 months old when I first realized he had a 'plastic bag" fetish so make sure there is no bags left in his reach…lol)

Really sorry he ruined your work… :disappointed:


Aw thank you, Starr! So funny you mention your cat, cause when we had a cat he did the same thing! I thought it was so bizarre lol!

Here’s a happy update: I started one teeny, tiny little foot! (Yes, I am going to want to kill myself trying to get the other foot to match later, but I just can’t sculpt two of the same thing at the same time lol.)

iIzzy26 uploaded this image to

You made me curious Izzy with your downs baby and what didnt look downs so i googled photos
One had description said their noses are flattened and the eyes of course tilted said they have more skin under the chin and yes one line on the palm not 2 big ones like normal .Also a mother of a Downs baby says their faces look flat from the sides and cheeks just hang there
However the pictures i looked at didnt all support that discription and each looked unique but some you could tell really young they were downs.

Your baby foot is awesome