Help pls...Don't Know where to begin



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Rememberā€¦ Eyes canā€™t unsee things!:scream:

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JackieJo You can do the mottling over the veining, sure. Really, because the layers are transparent, you can do things in any order you want to. I would probably mottle once before veining, but some people do veins as the very first layer.

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Thanks so much! Knowing that I can do things in any order makes me less stressed. I had so much fun doing the veining this afternoon. Itā€™s time for me to go to bed but what I really want to do is go work on my Lainey kit for a few hours. I feel an addiction coming on! LOL! I already have a list of 8 different kits that I want to buy for my next project!! :wink:


What color did you use Kim? Prisma pencil?

I agree. The warm wash has made my second baby orange twice now! I am so glad there is stripper. I finally put the tiniest amount of warm wash into a well diluted pool of baby skin. It came out nicely, is warm but not orange.

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Show us your veining, JackieJo!

Thank you Kim!!! I am about to do a bunch of eyebrowsā€¦ Dreading it!

I generally wear pants so that I donā€™t have to show my ā€˜veiningā€™ Helenā€¦hahahahaha!


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m looking at!!! :grin:

Hereā€™s Laineyā€™s veining picā€¦Iā€™m not sending you pix of MY veins though!!! :blush: <img Itā€™s hard to see in the pixsrc="/uploads/db4141/original/2X/a/a00ab0f139e22d9dabcf7075179148c81ad407ff.JPG" width=ā€œ604ā€ height=ā€œ500ā€>

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Looking Good JackieJo, keep going and post pic along the way if you can.

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I think I have dark umber!!! I hope I have dark umber!!! Fingers crossed! If not, who carries it? Or do I need to order it?

I bought mine at Michealā€™s :slight_smile:

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Of courseā€¦ I canā€™t find any of my prisma pencils. Itā€™s been a nightmare since I moved:-(

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Totally!!! But now itā€™s driving me crazy!!! Lolol

Yes:-( 80 million of them:-( itā€™s so much easier to go to the store! But nowā€¦ Itā€™s driving me bananas! I need to spend another day unpacking my doll room- itā€™s been such a busy month!!!:weary:

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Thank you Lynn. Tonight I did the baby flesh and mixed it with another color. Hereā€™s a couple of pictures of Lainey after she was baked. I think I like the color but that blue above her brows has to go. Before I go any further do you know of any way to tone down blue. I was hoping that the first coat of baby flesh would help but it didnā€™t :frowning: Do you by any chance bake your babies in a NuWave oven? I bought one just to bake reborns in and have never used one before yesterday when I cooked Lainey after veining her. The problem Iā€™m having is that I pre heat it then put the parts in. By the time I put the parts in the and put the cover back on the temp is very low. If you have a NuWave how do you pre heat it and not lose the heat when you open it to load in the baby parts? Iā€™m worried that the baby isnā€™t getting heated up enough to set the GHSP.