2018 Portrait Baby Challenge!

The only one I could think about possibly doing a portrait of is my youngest brother, but I wouldn’t be able to sell him lol So I won’t be doing that :joy:


You wouldn’t have to sell him.

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I don’t really collect. I keep them for awhile and then sell them. I have to sell dolls if I want to continue reborning so I almost always end up selling them eventually


I’m working hard on mine right now. I’m not that good yet, so won’t win, but I still like participating. :slight_smile:

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y envie mis fotos!!!

There is no minimum skill level for this, I hope everyone who wants to participate does so, regardless of how long they have been reborning!

I feel like entering competitions is a great thing to do, even if you are just starting out, because it is fun and it helps you gain experience! I recently entered a competition that I had no shot at winning, however I wanted to gain the experience. This way, sometime in the future when I hopefully do have a shot, I’ll have a better idea of what it is like to enter that type of competition. I learned things like how much time to give myself, what type of pictures I should be taking, and with each new baby I learn new things:)

Long story short, don’t worry about your skill level! If you want to participate please do, all levels of reborns are welcome!


Good because I have just sent an entry to the email provided hope I did it correctly :smile:

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So how long should I wait for a reply to my entry email before sending it again ? I don’t want to annoy anyone .

I may be able to enter after all. I’m working on a portrait baby now.


I just got it, thanks!!

For anyone else wondering, I’d probably wait two full days before resending. I do check my email everyday, but sometimes life gets a little crazy:)

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Thank you I just wasn’t sure how long of a time to wait and I didn’t want to be pushy :blush: also I have a composite picture consisting of the real baby and my version thought I might send that but you did say two pictures so that is what I went with.

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I can’t use the composite for the competition, however I’d love to see it if you don’t mind emailing it to me:)

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Yes I assumed that was the case which is why I went with the two I try to follow directions :smile: I sent the composite just a little while ago and also the information on the kit used .
Are you having fun yet ? I hope so and again Thanks .

Mine is done, I am just waiting for good light for picture. It was so much fun to do !

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Yes I found it fun too until I came to the pictures then it became work I found some amazing pictures came out but only one that matched the pose I was holding out for :blush:

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It wont be too difficult to me to find a pose, as I have only 2 pics of the “model” !

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I hope everyone’s Portrait babies are coming along nicely!

I also wanted to note that I am holding a separate, Portrait Baby Giveaway, for Portrait Babies that have already been shared on the forum that cannot be used for the contest. These are completely separate events and CANNOT ENTER BOTH CONTESTS WITH THE SAME PORTRAIT BABY (caps for emphasis, not yelling :slight_smile: ) You can enter both contest with different portrait babies, however.



So since I have entered the new one with my un-shown baby I can now enter one I have already shown ? wowzers I actually have one of those yeah !!! get ready I think I still have the pictures lol .
So I can join in on another contest now :smile:

Yes you can! :slight_smile: Just make sure you don’t share your un-shown baby here to keep it in the Contest. The shown baby can be entered into the Giveaway:)

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