Your Thoughts On Toddlers

I’m a creeper at 378 months


I’m still a bed baby :rofl:


I worked in a daycare and that was about the same. Toddlers are those that can… Toddle… Walk. I have a toddler reborn, she wears 12-18 months. She has a huge butt, so I try to get 18 month in bottoms and 12 in tops. Anything bigger than her, and I’m creeped out lol


I don’t collect so I don’t have a lot of creepy dolls hanging around, but I love to paint the bigger kits. (Rooting, not so much.) I want to, eventually, do a child sized kit, but I have to get better at air dry first.


This was not a doll per say, I bought a large dancing skeleton last yr off marketplace. Before I put him in storage we would catch him in the corner or our eye and get startled. So my older daughter came home for the Holidays and we had a great time putting him all over the house scaring my 15 yr old. We videoed her one time and I dont know what came out of her mouth ha ha


I have reborn two Kenzie’s and now Toddler Emmy all for my sisters. I love reborning them just for experience. I don’t have an opinion to give as they won’t be staying with me.


Oh, OK. I was just curious. :slight_smile:


Yeah thats one thing I dont like, when the reborn is the size of a Liam or even bigger, and the face looks like a child. It’s toddler sized, therefore should still have the cute toddler face :rofl:


Yeah I don’t like the super long hair either. :grimacing:


She’s a sculpt I keep coming back to. She’s a cutie for sure :two_hearts:


Your talent is so amazing. I love your babies!


Love the sculpt that is by your name look so real can you tell me who she is


Love the toddlers and love creating them. They take time to make and its hard to part with them. I made a cookie 10years ago a redhead and called him Harry he made me smile. I never could part with him and currently I am making 2 June awake 7 months one for me and one for someone else to hug

to hug. :sun_with_face:


Love that sculpt to she brings a smile on your face when you see here
And she is big to paint maybe i will try that again and see if i can get the sculpt somewhere


If you are speaking of Cookie, she is sold by BB. I am sure she is out right now, but if you put a check mark on her page, they will let you know when she comes in again. Then, of course, you may come across one someone is wanting to get rid of. :slight_smile:


I specialized in child dolls for quite a while before moving back to newborns. Lol. People loved them.


Mia by Irina Kaplanskaya. She’s one of my favorite sculpt’s. I absolutely love her.

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To me, toddlers are babies that can walk, thus the term ‘toddlers’. My son walked at 9 months. I like the toddler size dolls but not the child sized, 5 year old ones. It’s like having a stuffed child in your house. Some I’ve seen are beautiful, though.


I’m not a huge fan of toddler kits because toddlers are so much more expressive, and I think it’s much more difficult to bring that expressiveness to life and have it look realistic. I love preemies-big babies, but toddlers and the children sculpts tend to fall into the uncanny valley for me where they creep me out.


@Katinafleming, That’s a cute way to classify them! :blush:

I worked in a daycare in what we called the infant and toddler room. Infants were 0-1 and toddlers were 2. Once they were 3 they went to the pre-school room. That was one of my most favorite jobs, I still think of those little ones from time to time. Sometimes a kit will remind me of one of them.

I also grew up calling 1 year olds babies, but I definitely understand people calling babies who can walk toddlers. Of my own kids I had one start walking at 8 months (within a week of turning 9 months) and one who started walking a couple of days after turning 9 months. I absolutely refused to call them toddlers, they were still babies to me. My latest walker was at 15 months, but I still couldn’t bring myself to call her a toddler until she was 2.

Some of my most favorite reborned toddlers I have seen have age appropriate hair. Of course there are the outliers of real babies/toddlers who some have tons of hair and some that have almost none. I have seen adorable reborn toddlers with long hair too.

This is a fun conversation! Babies, toddlers, and reborns, some of my most favorite topics! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::heart_eyes: