
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Itā€™s a cult they all belong to. Lol It never ceases to amaze me the strange things people can be convinced are true.

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It is still a very real and horrible thing that does indeed happen, maybe not everyone people say are involved; but this stuff definitely happens, all the time. Donā€™t brush it off because itā€™s not pleasant to imagine.

These cults worship a ā€œgodā€ called Molok, whom is the god of child sacrifice.
Children are burned alive in a small temple with a brass roof, which There is one onEpsteinā€™s island. It also had a molok owl statue on it. They say the brass roof ā€œblew away during a stormā€.
Thereā€™s things that also seem possible like human leather, the red shoes seen worn on these high up people and depicted in the paintings of children running thru the woods naked with injuries and red feet. Children are trafficked for many reasons, pedophilic reasons, for sacrifices, sport hunting, adrenochrome and to sell their organs. (Thatā€™s what Iā€™ve been told/heard)
A girl who was trafficked but survived said that she was only kept alive because she was beautiful, and she said the same accusations, children stripped down naked, let loose in the woods and then hunted like animals thru the forest, survivors mauled to death by dogs. Being terrified and their blood drained for adrenochrome. Itā€™s a horrible thing and I definitely believe it is true that these things happen. Thereā€™s just so many signs.

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Proof? Not random websites. No fake Reddit posts with obviously doctored photos. Proof.

Prove it.

Any one can say anything. Just because people fall for it doesnā€™t mean itā€™s true. You cannot go around slinging allegations with zero actual evidence other than. ā€œI read it online.ā€

That is not evidence.

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There are tons of people who have survived this ordeal who share their stories. As I have said, these things are possible. I canā€™t say they are true and you canā€™t say they are untrue unless you or I are involved and would know 100% the truth.

Do you think a girl who survived trafficking would be lying? Thatā€™s like saying a r*pe victim is lying.

Lol. Who? Who survived this and told about it? You read someoneā€™s words online. Trolls exist.

And yes. I canā€™t say they donā€™t happen. But I can say that its sick to go after businesses and individuals based on internet gossip without evidence. Thatā€™s the difference. I may say its bull. And no. I canā€™t prove that.

But Iā€™m not ruining peoples lives in the process.

People lie about being raped. In fact I personally know several who lied about that and got caught lying.

So. Ummmm

This article does not state that the FBI is investigating Wayfair. It states that unnamed Twitter users are calling for the FBI to investigate.


I donā€™t recall her name, I saw her a few weeks ago, it wasnā€™t something I read, it was part of a documentary, theyā€™ll be releasing the full documentary soon, so Iā€™d say itā€™s not a lie.

So I guess if ā€œsomeā€ people lie about being r*ped, then you think none of them must be telling the truth? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I never said anyone wasnā€™t telling the truth. I said prove it.

Pretty simple. Lol

The fact that itā€™s a legitimate documentary should be enough proof.
Especially when the things she said sheā€™s experienced match up to the allegations.

Iā€™m not discounting that sex trafficking isnā€™t real. However, when the accusation evolves from someone making a speculation, you have to step back and follow logic. Itā€™s not coming from a firsthand experience, anonymous call, etc. There is a RATIONAL reason for items being priced higher than most. That has definitely been proven.


From Wayfair?


There are many documentaries that are up and weather they are true or not is debatable.
Ever seen Making a murderer?

Thatā€™s a documentary. And it is debatable. Documentaries and websites will push the agenda they want the viewer to believe.

It is up to intelligent people to use logic and actual factual evidence. Not just websites and tv shows.

There is a reason the law requires corroborated evidence to convict someone. Otherwise. It is slander. Libel. Or in this case a right wing conspiracy theory witch hunt.

Lololololol Brb putting it on insta!!!


Thatā€™s worse that the Richard Gere gerbil story!!!


Ummm. Not familiar with that one. I donā€™t think I want to know. Lol


You really donā€™t!!!ā€™

You donā€™t want to know!

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