
No doubt! Look, if I had unlimited funds, I would definitely buy the finer things. I’m sick of buying $15 pillows from Target/Walmart and wondering why my neck is stiff.
Please remember that there are people buying reborns for $15,000+, so why is it so implausible for other items to cost that much?


Right. I was just looking at a metal bench for my yard. Saw one I loved. Almost 4 grand.

No way. Lol.

Some people bought them tho. Even tho I personally think that’s nuts. Lol


Families trade their kids for drugs, money, etc., or leave them to die in cars. With homeschooling so popular, it is so much easier for families to keep children out of the public eye and be held accountable for their well-being.


I watched a documentary series on Hulu. Just a few days ago. These girls parents sold them into the sex trade. They weren’t kidnapped. They weren’t sold online. The parents knowingly and willingly sold them for money.

And they admit it openly.


We also have to realize 2 things. You want to stop the sex trade? Then the media and society needs to stop idolizing youth above all else. Women are supposed to be wrinkle free. Hairless. And perpetual teenagers. Society pushes this narrative in everything. Want to stop child sex abuse? Stop the market for it.

Not every area is like the more developed world. Most families who sell their child are drug addicts or objectively poor. If they can’t feed a child and someone offers them a ton of money. Well…being in the USA I speak from a place of privilege to say i would never consider it. But I’m not them.


The fact that this theory was created by someone that doesn’t believe an item should cost a lot of money or even entertain the idea that it was mispriced shows the validity of the accusation. Can you imagine if someone saw one of Romie’s auctions and stated that she must be involved in sex trafficking because other reborns don’t cost that much? :disappointed:


People do believe reborns are involved in it. Check out Reddit on that. They can’t understand why someone would want a realistic doll so it automatically means something awful.

And yet people still believe the wayfair nonsense.

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Yes, Wayfair has been under investigation. Some sources have tried really hard to claim it’s not true, but the FBI has been involved, and even if there is something truly going on, they can’t talk about it, so we won’t know what the outcome of it all is until it’s done. So, we wait.


It doesn’t work like that. There are certain clients already picked out that the children are being being selected for, and they may have already paid or have to pay on a balance remaining. Many things are hidden in plain site. People often actually suspect less that way, unless something suspicious comes up to someone who is noticing it.

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But the whole accusation came from someone not understanding why a piece of furniture was listed so high. So, in their eyes, high-priced items signal sex trafficking. Just because someone is ignorant on a subject doesn’t mean there is something sinister happening.


Like Pizzagate was true. Right? Until some crazy shot up the place convinced it had a basement full of trafficked kids.
It didn’t. The pizza restaurant didn’t ever have a basement.

Not everything online is true. In fact. Most of it isn’t. Lol


Of course, they have to investigate claims. The problem is the claims are stemming from social media gossip, not from someone’s firsthand knowledge/experience.

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Do you know how many people work at wayfair? How many would have to be complicit in the selling of kids. Lets be realistic. People cannot keep their mouths shut. Lol. No way is a huge company going to get everyone to shut up about it. On a massive scale.

Edit to add. Anyone can make a legitimate looking website. Did the China scammers teach us nothing? Just because its on some random website doesn’t make it true. In the slightest.

Edit again to add. They have to investigate everything reported. Every. Thing.

Doesnt mean its true.


There are so many people that love to be jokesters just to see how many people will fall for it. It’s why so many people are able to be scammed. People ran with it and did their best to make it fit. It’s not hard to get people to believe when it’s so easy to photoshop and create believable screenshots. Some are pointing out how many of the listings were pulled. Heck, if I was a 3rd party seller, I would distance myself from a hoax, too, to save my business. It’s really quite a shame. We are supposed to believe that a person is innocent until proven guilty, but, apparently, there are many that want to condemn a party based on speculation from a statement made on social media. How is this not slander?

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My in-laws believe the wayfair stuff. They also believe tom hanks eats babies. The earth is flat and the moon landing is fake.

I’ve heard it all. I can see how cults happen. To be honest. Its far too easy to convince people of ridiculous things. It seems.

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My sister is a HUGE conspiracy theorists. She has gotten much worse through the years. Her power went out for a few days and she said that the government did it to control the neighborhood. She has made comments about our childhood that never happened, as well as other things that deal with government conspiracy. She really needs to be on medication. I guess it’s a good thing she hung up on me a year ago and blocked me. I was having a hard time keeping my mouth shut about her irrational rants.:grimacing:


I avoid my in-laws like nobodies business. I can’t handle it. Lol.
The worst part is when I ask for actual proof they tell me to research. Um. No honey. You made the accusation. You provide evidence. Legal 101.

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Tom Hanks eats babies??? I knew it!!! :wink::joy:


Must be true! You just read it on internet.:wink: So, unless you can prove he doesn’t, report it to the authorities and share it on social media.


Yep. Apparently. Him. And Chrissy Teagan. And Oprah. And Ellen D.

And a few more that I can’t remember. Lol