

Who actually pays $10,000 for a pillow?


You are not going to find any proof because it doesn’t exist. It’s illogical. With all the ways sex trafficking is done, using a public selling website to ship a human has got to be the most difficult and riskiest.


Basically the snopes article says it’s not true because they say so. But there is no proof either way. I’m not saying wayfair is guilty. But I am saying people are blind. Child trafficking is out there in the open. Pizzagate, all kinds of stuff. But our minds say it’s a bizarre idea so we shut it out without a second thought.


Yes, I don’t believe it.

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I think the conspiracy theory said you get the info from wayfair and use it on a different site to order. I’m sure anyone who orders a shower curtain from wayfair will in fact receive a shower curtain


Some rich people don’t care how they spend their money. Most of these items are for business accounts. FB sends me links to get a professional account all the time. They aren’t trying to hide anything. Don’t you think that the FBI has already bought plenty of these items and found nothing?


Why go to all that trouble? Employees have stated they have handled heavy boxes that needed to be shipped immediately. Doesn’t make sense. What are they doing? Drugging the child? How would it breath, etc? Why haven’t any of these conspiracy theorists been able to bust them? Please put some logic to this.


I think the most obvious way to sell something or someone is the least riskiest. All what you need is a special keyword (otherwise you’ll get $9,999.00 curtain) and transaction can be done all around the world.
I don’t know if I believe all that 100%, but “where is the smoke…”

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If a company has all that contact information for a potential buyer, why have them go through different sites? How would they know the difference between someone that wants to buy an expensive piece of furniture/housewares vs someone that is interested in purchasing a human? Those types of people already know how to obtain what they want. Can’t imagine why they would want to leave a paper trail and records of money being exchange if the ring was busted? Most people that deal with illegal activities what to be paid in cash.


Maybe it just for listing, not for the actual transactions?

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Like I stated before, if anyone actually believes this and really cares about children being sold, then they have a moral duty to pursue this and expose them. They would have already been caught if this was true. Don’t you think that the government has resources to investigate this to the fullest?


Before pursuing, be sure to read snopes

“ National Human Trafficking Hotline (1-888-373-7888) received such an “extreme volume” of reports related to this rumor (none of which contained information beyond what was already reported online) that it struggled to respond to other calls from people potentially in need. The statement encouraged callers to learn more about “what human trafficking really looks like.”“


Pursuing is NOT just calling a hotline and sharing gossip read on a dolly forum or other social media platforms because you feel it may be true because no one has disproved it. Unless you know something to be true, it would be wise not to continue such gossip. Such unfounded accusations hurt businesses, as well as their employees who depend on their employment to support their family.


Those that want to learn more about some things to do with human trafficking can follow Tim Ballard or his organization (Operation Underground Railroad)
Finding Tim Ballard and who he is and what he does REALLY opened my eyes. Before seeing his interview with Candace Owens I had never heard of him and had no clue how bad things really are in the World. A documentary type movie is coming out soon as well.

In this short clip he mentions Wayfair.


Maybe “kind eyes” is code for filled with heroin.


It only took a few minutes to find the link to the manufacturer of these pillows.
Apparently, there is quite the market for these pillows.

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Human trafficking isn’t happening through wayfair.
Most children are trafficked by their own family. They do exchanges at places like Disney. Take the child into the bathroom. Hand them to the pedo and they walk out like it’s their parent. Kids who are involved in this usually don’t see anything wrong with it because its just how its always been.
All these outlandish conspiracy theories are hurting real people and taking away from real issues.


Off topic but after reading that link, I’m wondering how soft could any product possibly be? I mean for $150 I could have a really soft comforter. For $10,000 I could have a really really really really really soft comforter. Do I need to buy stock in “Eiderdown”?


I have to add. I was homeless for years. As in sleeping on a park bench homeless. The sexual abuse and exploration I saw wasn’t from strangers. It was adoptive parents abusing their adopted teens. It was deacons at the church I went to abusing kids they knew who trusted them.

Its not some dark back alley trade. Look around you. It is right in front of you.

Yes I reported both the church and the adoptive parent.