
I reread your comment and understand what you mean better now. I was thinking community as in all people. Not doll community. I agree that the general public that have not seen reborns or once who are already “against” them would definitely jump to horrible opinions.

Hilarious, really, :joy: :joy: :joy: :scream:

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Yes I have seen the wayfair items, like these. Where in the world have you ever seen a pillow for $9,000?!

And also these zodiac pillows, the names of them are all last names of missing children

Here is the link to the eBay post of this doll, it seems really suspicious to me.

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Another weird thing is they say the manufacturer is “obemdoerfer“, I looked up “ obemdoerfer doll” and there were no results for dolls made by that company, in fact there isn’t even a company under that name it seems. it is however a German surname.

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My roommate also pointed out that it’s weird the description says “smooth skin” at all, but especially for a play doll.


:joy: :joy: :joy:

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It’s rumored that they’re actually trafficking children :frowning:


OMG! If that’s true, somebody should be able to stop them. If I had money, I’d rescue all of them.


It smells real bad! And I agree with @jeanhai :wink:

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If that is true - that is so horrible! :scream: :scream: :scream:
And if we notice and suspect that, how come noone from Wayfair questioning that??? Are they the part of the cut?
How do you know names of the missing children?

Aso, maybe that doll is for drugs trafficking? But in that case ‘buyer’ already should be notified and bough it, right?

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Wayfair is being investigated I believe, I have heard rumors they’re even shutting down but I don’t know if it’s true.

I heard that their products were named after missing children so I was curious and I typed in one of them like this, “Durbin missing child”, for example, and it popped up a child with the last name Durbin was missing.
It was like that for all of them, too.

I’m not sure about this eBay case, though, I was looking for a high-end reborn to buy and I saw it, thought it was crazy and posted it here, but then I paid more attention to it and it seems really fishy.


I am really in shock!!!

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I just relooked them up from the names in the screenshot I posted to show you, it’s horrible. :frowning: see they are the same names as children who were/are missing.

There were many more too.

My world is shuttered! At my almost 60 I am aware that there are so much dark evil in the world, but so bluntly to use the selling platforms :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:

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I know, it’s a really sad thing. :frowning: my roommate is going to try to see about the eBay listing, casually asking the seller for more information and if it seems like something more than a scam we will report it to the police.


There has been a lot of talk about wayfair. At one point you could put in the sku number from wayfair onto yandex and it would pull up suggestive photos of little girls. Wayfair definitely needs to be investigated.

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Now I’ve seen everything! :crazy_face:

Why would a company use a public selling site to traffick children AND use their real name? Why doesn’t someone order the pillow and see if a child arrives? It’s really absurd and illogical. As soon as someone orders a pillow and gets a child, the authorities would be notified and then what? It doesn’t make sense. Someone from the company is probably pulling this hoax. There was an article about a couple that believed this rumor and, even though they received an item and NOT a child, they still are convinced it is happening. They said unless you can prove that it’s not happening, it must be real. Seriously?! :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :crazy_face: There are people that can find a conspiracy in EVERYTHING. And, sadly, there are many that despise any corporate business and will do anything to hurt their business. Complete lunacy, IMO. However, if any of these conspiracy theorists believe this and are truly horrified that this is going on and care about missing children, BUY an item and see.