Who here just makes kits for them selves?

Id like to do this tbh rather then sell them


I thought you didn’t like painting?


I think several people here make some to keep at times. I do. But you have made lots of posts about how discouraged you are with reborning…I think you should stick to your plan of selling your kits and buy a finished one…
A hobby shouldn’t make you so frustrated that you constantly ask if you should continue or not…
This is a challenging art and if you love it, you’ll stick with it. If not, let it go. No shame in that. Find a different artistic outlet.


I dont but i just want a beautiful doll i can be proud of tbh

Hi you need to make up your mind you have 3 posts today. Selling kits, wanting a custom and this one. Take some time to decide, you don’t like painting then you do, then you are selling your kits then wanting to do a baby for yourself. If this isn’t for you then sell the kits and buy a “really great” baby for yourself. Asking if you should continue is a question that only you can decide. TBH


Here we go again.


:sweat_smile: lol


I make them for myself at this time, but I am over flowing and have started wanting to sell, sell, sell and I haven’t sold in years. (Not my work)
Sit down and do it or don’t but realize that you will make mistakes, your doll will NOT be perfect. It will have flaws, it you can live with that you will be fine, if you CAN’T live with that, don’t continue. Sell everything and purchase a really excellent reborn from a super great artist and be happy. I am speaking to you will all the kindness in my heart, from all the past two years I have been reborning non-stop. But you are the only one who can decide. :heart: :heart: :heart:

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Yeah true i dont think id make them

It takes time to grow as an artist. Ive been painting for 5, almost 6 years now and I’m just now getting to the point where I’m really starting to really love my own work. If I were you, Id buy a finished baby.


I don’t think this is a feasible option since you get so frustrated. If you haven’t gotten halfway through completing one baby I doubt you’ll be happy with one you’d finish. No one here loved or thought they’re 1st few babies were “really great”. To be really great at anything it takes time, patience, dedication, trial & error. Just buy a baby and enjoy it after you sell your kits. Or don’t. But constantly asking opinions then not liking or considering those opinions is an annoyance.


Please refer to this post where you asked the same question Does anyone here just make babies for themselves?


Personally I think you should sell all your supplies and use the money to purchase a nice doll that you really love. Artists on here are getting tired of trying to give you advice that you don’t listen to, they have been kind and trying to guide you in a direction that only you can make the decision to go. It certainly seems like this is too frustrating for you to continue. I understand your “want” to have a baby that you created BUT this is a hobby that takes YEARS for the average person to “perfect” and you don’t seem to have the patience to put the “time” into it that it requires. Cut your losses and sell out and BUY a baby!! This is not meant to hurt your feelings, I just think it is the best advice that we can give you. Good luck.


I agree with Lynn… your questions have been answered multiple times…


Like you’ve been told before. That’s gonna take time. Years of painting. A whole lot of dolls. Nobody’s first couple of babies are looking good. And you’ve made it very clear that you don’t want to take the time, that you hate painting, that you don’t have the patience. Just save the time and money and buy a doll you enjoy.


Im definitely selling them now

Did you see my note about needing to edit your listings on eBay? It looks like from your past eBay sales that you have sold your kits and paints several times?

I have tbh with you im very persistent

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Being persistent can be a good thing….but your persistence isn’t really getting you far here…


If you were persistent you’d have completed some babies and kept going to hone your skills.