UPDATE: Thank you BB for standing by your great customer service! Seconds Kits will Likely Have Factory Paint

Wonderful news!

I got a $30 refund from my $80 order. Better than nothing

Leilani and Christopher are both kits produced in the factory everyone has always loved in the past and are not produced by the new company.


Is there a way which factory it is from can be listed on the listings?
I would LOVE to know BEFORE purchasing


Are some of the older realborns being produced at this new factory? Would love if y’all could post a way for us to identify which is which


We are not producing any of the older kits at the new factory. I will attach a list of the kits that we currently have that are produced with the new company. Please note, the paint problem didn’t appear until about 2 containers ago. A lot of the earlier kits with this company did not have the problem. The seconds descriptions for any kit that might have paint now mentions that. We apologize for not getting this info on sooner! While they are no longer painting our parts, this last container that just arrived was made before we caught the problem. The next container (the one that includes Sleepy Sage and Playful Sage) is not supposed to have any paint on. There is a chance they started some before we told them, though, so we are still going to watch for it close. Any 1sts should not have paint. If any is caught, please email sales@bountifulbaby.com, and we will make it right.



Have the flange issues been addressed? I haven’t assembled any of mine. But I’ve heard lots of reports of the limbs and heads falling off of these kits because of the flanges. This makes me extremely hesitant to paint any of them, especially Sage and June. Those babies will be heavy and definitely need strong flanges.


Rings and plug size recommendations are also not always right now


Thanks Jessica.

Is there a reason then that JD is no longer on some of the realborns if they are still pouring them?


I don’t know why they stopped putting JD on them. As far as I know, we didn’t ask them to stop doing that.


Thank you so very much for taking the time to create this list for us!! This is very helpful :blush:

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This situation, factory painted kits, is bizarre! Are artists really willing to compromise their skill/talent on a defective kit that should not be sold as “seconds”. It used to be that seconds had some minor problem, usually dented vinyl that was easily fixed with heating and filling with cool water for it to retain the correct shape. But, factory painted???

I don’t understand why BB doesn’t include the 3 year old June body with the kit. It isn’t like you can have one without the other, and making two purchases does not impact the money being paid. Bizarre Situation #2. Now, June is finally in stock but the body is out of stock. I think I can live just was well as I have without the kit. poo


Bountiful Baby made it right for the customers that purchased the kits without knowing about the factory paint. Bountiful Baby has always had great customer service!!
As for the June body, none of BBs kits come with bodies and it’s that way with many other sculptors kits as well.


Some of the kits from macs com with a body or there is an option to add one before you check out. So maybe people forget that they don’t all come with it because they admit at check out? It would be awesome if bb added that option when buying


June is different from the other kits and the artist does not have an option of buying a BB body or buying one elsewhere. June’s body is unique, there are no other options. The kit without the body, useless. The body without the kit, useless. Unique toddler size kits that have partial upper torsos/ full torso, legs that start below the knee, etc., all come with the body. BB goofed on June, but I think it will be a one-time error in judgement IF they sell more kits like this. That BB “made it right for customers” who purchased 2nds that were factory painted demonstrates that they were receptive to customer complaints.


Yes! And kits that don’t come with bodies are able to use generic bodies. June can only use that one body that is made especially for her. Therefore it should come with her. That would make it easier to keep them both in stock at the same time. As it is, lots of people bought the body while it was on sale and the kit was out of stock. Now lots of people will buy the kit but won’t be able to buy the body. If they were sold together this mess could have been avoided.


I am super happy that Irresistables is now offering an option of selecting an ethnic body for some kits; I was always purchasing a secondary body for my A.A. art dolls. It would be lovely if BB added ethnic bodies as an option.


They do, but not for all… I don’t think they have one fir the big big June


:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: they should just send bodies with all of them


I’d happily pay the extra for the bodies. I always forget or they’re out of stock. Drives me crazy