List of which kits are new/old vinyl

I stumbled across this list recently and now I can’t find it :person_facepalming:t2: Does anyone know where it might be?


Id like to know too

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Was it from BB or was it a different thing? I know I have a word document of that but I don’t know if you’re thinking of that or something else :sweat_smile:

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No it was one on this forum. I wish I could remember who put it together :thinking:

@PhotographyForLife , did you make a list?

I think it was something @bountifulbaby Jessica actually shared which babies came from which factory


The one I’m thinking of, a member wrote it up. It was mostly observation of the vinyl /flanges. It wasn’t anything from BB.

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There is this one

I may or may not have made a list :rofl::rofl::rofl: sounds like something my OCD brain would do :crazy_face: but I can’t think of it… off the tip of my head I’m trying to think if I even know who was from where lol only from experience, but I think Jessica pretty much covered it. I kinda remember doing it now that I look at it cause I remember checking my facts against what she shared :thinking:


Girl, if my ancient brain could remember who wrote it, I’d be thrilled! This does answer the question though. @Vanniek and I were wondering if Laila is the new vinyl or the old, but according to this, she should be the old vinyl. Thanks for the info and if I stumble across the actual thread I’m thinking of, I’ll update it here!


You started a list. I’m not sure whether there’s another one floating around, but here’s yours.


There is someone who was making a chart…


Hey cool thanks! Now I need to go fix my spelling :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Any if the new kits that were released after and including Ruby are questionable and are mostly from the new factory. Problem is… knowing when they were released :thinking:

I mean I kinda know