Trade celeste

Your right! And I could use a different head on her limbs! :+1:t2::+1:t2: Win win!

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first kit I ever made. She is actually cute if you put a paci in her mouth. Use her to practice painting then donate her to a nursing home.

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Where the challenges at

I think if her mouth was closed she’d be cute.

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I feel so bad for Celeste. She’s adorable as long as her mouth is covered.

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@alicekay56 There you go.

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Oh, that tongue! If only you could just take it out, then she’d be so sweet!
I’ll see pictures of her and think, the painting is lovely… If only it was on another kit. :rofl:

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I think I will donate paint and donate to nursing home a lady at church bought a baby from me took her to her grandmother that’s 92 to the nursing home she said she was feeding the baby wanted to know if I could clean her up and when I got her look like she been feeding it blueberry pie the stain wouldn’t come off she said no use to redo her she would feed the baby again so I will do celeste and put a baby bottle with her and take her to a nursing home


You have a heart of gold :yellow_heart:

What about Maddox and Maggie…if their tongues were hanging out, it’s the same look to me :laughing:


Very true! But it’s just the mouth that’s offensive! Lol

If we are going to throw in Maddox and Maggie then don’t forget Angel. She is the antithesis of Celeste in the mouth category.


Totally!!! Ouch!!!

I’ve had poor angel on for months, for sale on other outlets for months too. I know shes got a face only a mother could love but I find her adorable. Mine is also redhead. She’s ugly-cute to me whereas Celeste is downright the ugly.


What is your nursery name? I want to see! I love red heads!

World of wonder art dolls :slight_smile: it’s combi hair. Oh my subscription needs to be reinstated as if today! I’ll do that shortly.

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Ok! I’ll look later! You description of her made me like her without seeing her! Haha

I’m renewed now! have at it. :slight_smile:

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Ok! Going!!!

Your angel is so ugly adorable!!! I totally love him!!! But your Kimberley is AMAZING!!! I have looked at her pictures a few times because she’s so GREAT!

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