Soft touch varnish ** sold out**

It’s Out Of Stock there also! It’s Out of Stock EVERYWHERE right now. We have to be patient.

sorry…when she posted the link, it was in stock

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Yeah, it’s been out for a long time everywhere, it’ll come back one of these days-----I hope!!

I bought one from the 2nd link that was posted. It said in stock when I grabbed one.

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Yeah, it was in stock when I posted it. Must not have had a lot left if they’re gone now.

I am pretty sure it’s discontinue. I was having a lot of problem finding it here way before the global situation so I doubt it’s due to that.


I hope they haven’t discontinued it. What can we use that is just as good if they are no longer going to make it?

I’m using the Ultra Matte and applying it alone does make it have a bit of a dewy look, I wouldn’t call it shiny but I definitely wouldn’t call it matte :joy:. I mixed it with some diatomaceous earth and that does matte it a lot better but there is still a little “shine” in some places but it’s much better.

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From what I read, it will be back in stock in 2021 - but they didn’t list an exact date or month

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Did you stir it REALLY well first, those products need to be mixed really well.

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Yeah and I had to stir it super slowly so it wouldn’t separate. It looks very nice imo :heart:

Out of stock there too.

Good, because I used the purple label Soft Touch on Darren. Used the corn starch recipe.

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I have used the Soft Touch over air dry and Genesis and never had shine develop. I have one doll here that I painted with air dry and and varnished with Soft Touch almost five years ago and she is fine. I don’t have any here painted with Genesis and varnished with Soft Touch that long ago, but I have kept some for several months after I finished and no shine occurred. Maybe there is sometimes just a bad batch or something. I know I have some Genesis matte that comes out with more shine than the satin and another container that is far more matte.


That’s good to know.

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Maybe you’re right and it depends on batches.
I have noticed too that “shine” is very subjective.

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It could be I am the one with the “bad” batch as I don’t use it all the time and still have the same jar from 5 years ago. I am almost finished with this and bought another jar several months ago- but it might have sheen. I do not like sheen.

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I dislike sheen, as well. A lot.

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I’m just wondering whether anybody has heard back from the folks at create for less. When you posted this link (on Dec 2) I was able to hop over and order a jar of varnish before it sold out. I got an email from PayPal telling me that I had authorized the payment, but nothing confirming the order from the website. Although they did send me an advertisement email. I’m certainly not going to buy anything else from them until I hear back on the varnish I ordered.

Edit: There are two holds on my PayPal account with this company. The money is definitely in the account to cover it, but they say “pending”. They both appear to have a separate transaction number but the same invoice number. One was placed on the 2nd, the other on the 7th. Is this normal, or something I need to contact PayPal about?

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These are all in stock on Amàzon.