Soft touch varnish ** sold out**

After searching thru at least half a dozen web pages, I found someone in the US who has Decoart Americana soft touch varnish IN STOCK! I’ll drop the link here for anyone else who might be searching.


Thanks! I just used this for the first time on my recent baby, and I really like it. Wish I had tried it before now. Was too afraid to try it, but it works great. Not at all as rough as Genesis varnish.

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I love it! I recently bought the Ultra Matte, which really isn’t matte at all. Even with the cornstarch added in, there was still a bit of sheen. I was in a panic as I was almost out, so I was on a quest!

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They are out of stock now

Omg are you kidding me? Did I get the last one?

Really? I bought some of that a few weeks ago and haven’t used it yet. Even with the corn starch? That is so weird. Thanks for that info. I wonder why they call it ultra matte. Maybe it is matte on other things that aren’t vinyl.


Its possible seems to go quickly everywhere

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I don’t know, but I really don’t like it. I had thought about trying one of Goldens varnishes, but really hated to switch. Decoart is out of stock until 2021 - no clue on what month? Now i really feel bad posting this…I had hoped they had a lot in stock :cry:

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I tried ordering thru a company in Canada, and one in the UK, and neither would ship to the states!

Don’t feel bad. Your post helped. I wonder why DecoArt is so backed up on stock. COVID?

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I believe so.

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Another place has it, 8 oz., for $11.99:


How did you find that so quickly? LOL!

Has anyone used this? If so, did you like it? Does it work like the other Soft Touch?

The ultramatt may be a bit shinny but the Softtouch get very shiny over time.

This is the last I have varnish with Softtouch (no cornstarch tho)


I used it on one doll without the corn starch and it looks very similar to your pic. However, with the starch, I love the velvety finish. @anjsmiles recipe is amazing!


The regular Soft Touch varnish gets shiny over time? How long does it last before it goes shiny?

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What is the recipe, please? I’ve seen it before, but I can’t seem to find it again.

I feel it goes on with a little sheen, and goes shiny fairly quickly

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It’s 20 drops of distilled water, 1/4 tsp of cornstarch, and 1 level plastic spoon of Soft Touch varnish. Dissolve the corn starch in the water first, and then stir in the varnish.