Smoke free home :( NOTTTTTTTTTTTTTT

Then do not use the wafers! They will most certainly gag you especially mixed with smoke smell.

I would try any and all of the mentioned ideas except heating the vinyl. I agree with Bette, heating the vinyl will make it worse. When you finally get the odor out (fingers crossed that you do), clean all of the parts with alcohol and then scrub with blue dawn dish detergent to make sure you remove any oils left behind from the cleaning products. Also as Bette suggested, use air dry paints.

My Realborn Miranda asleep has a chemical smell to it. I may have to get creative too :wink:
I have had the bag open since receiving it hoping that would help a little. I havenā€™t washed her yet and think she will be one that is submerged in hot soapy water. :confused:

Oxi clean and whatever wash powder I had in the pic really really helped. Still smells like peppermint! lol Iā€™ll take it,


Then I would do it repeatedly until the smell is gone.
Iā€™m going to write this down in case I need it. :slight_smile:

So I poured hot water and oxi clean the best I could in the limbs. The head was the worst. I stuck an entire little wash pouch and hot water in the head and in the main sink to soak around. The baby is close to smoke free. I rinsed and put a little oxi clean in the sink and warm water for over night. Iā€™ll let you know what I smell tomorrow. Lol donā€™t use peppermint lolol. My Christmas baby she may still smell like it, lololol.


I did the baking soda and vinager, the dishwasher and at the end wrap it with tissupaper put it in a trash bag tied it out put it under the sun. I stop smelling the smoke. It went away, or I got use to it after smelling it so much. :grin:


Iā€™d soak it in vinegar, baking soda and water. I wouldnā€™t use a lot of baby powder wafers because then it will smell like cigarettes and baby powder. A tiny bit of baby powder scent goes a long way.

OXI helps!!! Wish I had that first!

Some years ago the same thing happened to me. It took several weeks but in the end the smell disappeared. I washed it number of times and then sat it in a box with dish of bi-carb soda (you could use charcoal), which absorbs smells, and then just let it sit uncovered on the window in the laundry. By the time I started painting, the smell was only very faint (nobody else could smell it but me), and after baking couple of times it was gone.
Do not use baking soda; it is mixture of bi-carb with other stuff = not so potent. Do not put the soda in water, that is useless; the whole point of the soda is that the dry powder absorbs the smell, that is why you need to put it with the parts in enclosed space, as airtight as possible . Keep away oils and smelly satchets; they may cover up the smell for a while but can damage the vinyl.

Baking will make the smell come out, so yes while you bake it it will smell more, that is because it is coming out.

The problem is, people who smoke do not realize how everything stinks. I notified the seller of my kit and asked for partial refund, which she agreed to and apologized.


I should have asked for one. It was soooo bad that the smell was on my hands just from transfering to sink.

You can still ask; there is nothing to lose, the worst that can happen she will say no or not reply. If you bought it from eBay you can give her negative FB saying it stinks from smoke.
i asked for 20% back and my seller agreed.

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Sure could! You just may have put another one on my list!! I love her, I just need my QuinLynn now. Then my heart will be complete. I am going to reborn them all but they are my keepers.

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So, here is my update. The smell was gone, but when heated came back. However, as soon as it cooled it was gone again. As I add paint she smells like peppermint. The first time I heated it had no smoke smell, just peppermint. Could not even smell the plastic. Now I smell smoke again, sigh. The good thing is when cooled she smells like a candycane.


As several here have mentioned, heating the vinyl is going to bring out the smoke smell. Hopefully over time the smell will completely go away. At least Candy Cane is not offensive! LOL!

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I start laughing every time I paint a layer!!! That is too funny! I prefer the candy cane smell over the heated vinyl or smoke smell!!! LOLOL

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Yes, as I said above, every time you heat it up more of the smell will evaporate, and you will smell it. That is why we heat fragrance in oil burners; it evaporates faster and is stronger. Releasing the smell means there is less of it in the vinyl. Lets just hope all the smoke smell is really gone by the time you stop painting.


I hope so!

Since heating the vinyl helps lift the smell out, would it work to heat it on a low heat, like 150 degrees, for about thirty minutes at a time?

Just venting. Never ever ever buy a kit from a smoking house. Grrrrrrrrrrr. Just grrr.

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