Smoke free home :( NOTTTTTTTTTTTTTT

I would do everything Emmy says. Those wafers are strong if all that doesn’t work give up. Cigarettes are yuck.

Charcoal briquettes are a good odor eliminator!! After hurricane Rita, we tried everything under the sun (or so we thought) to rid our fridge of an awful rotten food smell. plWe even left it open to air out for weeks and it still smelled terrible. As a last ditch effort to salvage our fridge, we put charcoal inside a brown paper and placed it inside of the refrigerator with door closed for about 2 weeks and… IT WORKED​:slight_smile::+1: NO ODOR AT ALL!!! and it was AWFUL before!!!

Coffee grounds are an odor eliminator and I’ve also heard of some running their blank vinyl doll kit through the dishwasher to remove smells.
Sorry for your disappointment!! Best of luck removing the smoke smell :no_smoking:


What kit is it?

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Everleigh LLE


I am going to try everything. Last night I did several tubs of baking soda, vinegar, dish soap. Then I added a little lavender pine sol this helped a little. I was afraid to boil, will that melt the kit? I know boiling point is 212 and they melt at 270ish but I am still scared. If not I will boil today and try. By the way, the cloth body with vinegar and baking soda removed smell and it smells like a new original kit (before it dried haven’t checked today.)

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I love Everleigh :heart_eyes: I know they are different artists but, I think Sawyer could make a cute twin to a few LLE sculpts :blush:


I know that Soft Soap make a kitchen hand wash called kitchen Fresh Hands.It is an odor neutralizer.I have used it on stuff with smoke odors and it seemed to work well.I don’t know if it will work on your kit or not but sure would be worth a try.I use this stuff on all kinds of items with odors.


Oh yikes! I am so sorry this happened! I’m super sensitive to smoke and it’s a huge dealkiller for me. I’d probably just return it if it were me since I have NO IDEA how to get the smell out… have you tried just washing it with dish detergent to see how that goes?

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I think I’ve heard that OxyClean, the powder added to water, helps neutralize odor. Has anyone tried that or heard that it works for kits?

I wouldn’t actually boil the actual peices in a pot-they could touch the side of the pot and melt…but it should be okay to dump boiling water INSIDE the peices (I have done this to remove eyes before) and I see no reason you can’t dump boiling water OVER the peices (say, resting in the sink on a clean towel)

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I would be afraid charcoal would stain

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I will be trying oxi later and soft soap. Right now I was bad and put peppermint oil in the boiling vinegar baking soda bath. My house smells amazing. FYI the heat of boiling makes the smell stronger but I’m hoping the sitting helps pull it out. Poor baby.

A blessing and a curse purchase all at once. I’m sensitive to any and all smells. I gag easy.


I wonder if peppermint essential oil would neutralize in a bath.

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Hahaha she is in it and I can breathe and the house smells great! How is that for a run on sentence!lolol



So here is my update. Don’t do peppermint lol super strong washed off still smell it and I dropped a few drops in sink of water. Oxi and the wash powder seems hopeful. I rinsed and still had smell somewhat on inside so I rebolied fresh water and individually filled with oxi and water.


I have a kit that was strong with a smoke smell. I let it sit out a long time…like months. I began working on it and heated it like normal. I never finished it but the smoke did go away.


Oh, for sure charcoal could possibly stain! I meant to put the charcoal in a brown paper bag and then set the kit & the bag of charcoal in a sealed container. Maybe lay the kit on a towel or a puppy pad, set the bag with charcoal briquettes on the opposite end of the container/kit, and put the container in an area that it won’t be disturbed like corner of closet, etc…

Also, maybe when you set your kit out for the smell to dissipate you could add some Draft scent booster beads. They smell amazing!! I don’t know if the beads would react with the vinyl so, I would make some little sachets filled with Dreft scent beads and set them inside the vinyl… :thinking: Just a thought :wink:

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I tried running a smelly kit through the dishwasher top rack once with the dishwasher tablet and it worked. Mine was lightly smoke smelling.