Smoke free home :( NOTTTTTTTTTTTTTT

Lesson learned:
ALWAYS ask about a kits environment. Needless to say, I spent a good penny on this dream baby. Opened the box and it smells like an ashtray. It has been soaking all night, still smells. :cry: :cry: :sob: :sob: I will work on the soaking and airing out all week. Loved her too much to give it up.

From now on, no more buying unless I know for sure.


It may be a long shot but try putting a bowl of white vinegar next to it in a large trash bag and let it sit for 24 hours. I’ve used it successfully with lots of smells. Never tried it for cigarette smoke but it may work.


Oh my goodness how disgusting!!! The seller should have mentioned that the kit stunk of cigarettes
So sorry you are dealing with this!

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She was expensive!!! There was no way I was giving the kit back. I have been waiting and waiting for this kit to pop up. Now I need Quinlynn.

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Oh no! That’s awful :persevere: I hope something works to get the smell out

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but even if you manage to make the smell “go away”, it will never be completely gone so Only use air dry paints. Heat will bring the smell back out.


That’s what I would try to.

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Sigh… is all I can say. I still love her though, I am not selling her.

I would be highly disappointed as well.
Only thing I could think of was a light wash with baking soda then letting it
sit outdoors on a porch or etc… a few days or week to air out well.
Not sure if work but defen. worth a try. Or perhaps put in a sealed bag
with a fresh box of baking soda/etc… for a week/etc…
Cigarette smoke is hard to get off things, only way I know is I use to be a smoker.


Let me tell you, that kit sat all night with 5 or more water changes and nothing. If she wasn’t one of my favorites I would have sent her back. Honestly, it was so bad I thought about it.

I have heard of someone putting a kit in the dishwasher…

What about soaking it in dawn dish soap and scrubbing with a tooth brush, then repeat?

Baking soda pulls odors out of fridges…

We used to use tsp to remove smoke build up off of walls… not sure if it is good for kits… but it definitely cleaned walls. But makes things slippery. So it would need washed well after wards also.


I probably would also put the kit in a bag with baking soda for a while, then pull out and give it a thorough bath.

Here is what I would do (I have no way of knowing if this would actually work, I haven’t tried it, but it is worth a try:)
After soaking in vinigar, then baking soda, and several washes with good old dish soap or baby soap…
I would fill the inside with those little baby powder wafers. I mean a LOT of then! Let it soak in, maybe cook it with them inside so the vinal heats and the sent absorbs…
Sorta like deoderant, where you both try to eliminate the smell and mask any that sneaks through with a better smell



I don’t mean leave them in there forever. I am hoping the smell will seep into the vinal and replace the ciggerette smell.


Another idea: fill with baking soda and then heat the vinyl- that works for clothing and cat pee…

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Heat in the nuwave? Will it catch fire? I am trying everything lolol

Idea if you purchased a finished baby, can you take the stuffing out and replace it, wash the cloth body and when and after put the whole baby in a clean box with a baby talc wafer or baking soda. Don’t know if that can work for you but I wish you luck.:worried:

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It is a kit. The smell came out of the body but not the vinyl

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DON’T heat it. It will make the smell worse and most likely permanent. The baking soda sounds like a great idea. That works on some pretty nasty odors. Good luck! Please let us know what, if anything, works.


Not only is baking soda not flammable, it is sometimes used to put out kitchen fires

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