pre-owned dolls any thoughts

It seems to be working that way for me. If you click any option to the right it adds that option to the new ones for view and you see them all. I also had to select an ordering option (Like low to high) to get it to work for me.

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I don’t understand is why he thinks alternatives are offensive. But meanwhile you can go right over to his sister site and post all the racist golliwogs you want. He even has a tab for it. :woman_facepalming:t2:

So if I did one of Marita’s little fairies I would have to list it as alternative now? And those golliwogs- yikes!!! Those shouldn’t be on there at all!!!


They are listed under “animal” ???:flushed:
Soryy I don’t know what"golliwogs" mean but I find this disturbing.




They are under the tab that says “doll.”

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It’s controversial. Some insist it’s not racist. Others insist it is. Probably more consider it racist. Here’s a good article.


Found this info. Not sure I am for or against this particular doll.
I do find it sad that many of the vintage black dolls are now being labeled racist when many
are beautiful art and were not intended to make fun.

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But it’s not really an accurate description of black people. So it does look racist. The features are exaggerated, the skin is jet black, the hair is frizzy…so many exaggerated stereotypes. All I know is if it offends one black person, that’s enough for me.
Don’t get me wrong. I think this world is too easily offended by everything nowadays. But sometimes it’s valid. This one looks like a valid reason to be offended if you ask me.


Like I said, Not sure I am for those particular dolls.

I have 2 dolls I got at the last Doll and Teddy Bear Exp in 2013. They were free with your door ticket. One is mine and one was hubby’s. They are called Nono dolls. I am wondering now if someone is going to find even these offensive? I love mine.

Here are mine

Nono dolls come in all colors. So no. They aren’t made to stereotype a race.


I’m sure somebody will find them offensive.

Something I read once online said they were for when you are having a bad day because not everyone is perfect. They make me smile.

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I feel like this is a middle man thing. Why would a collector buy a doll from a little known artist when they can pay a reasonable price for the doll once a knowledgeable collector has gotten the doll, looked it over, and knows it is good?

New artists sell cheap even if skill is premium in order to make a name for themselves. It seems that perhaps some collectors have picked up on that and are buying babies cheap knowing the value is higher than that and making some money at it.

It is one hell of a conundrum for artists. Like do I price my babies in the skill level category they belong and wait forever to make a sale or sell cheap? Established artists will sometimes discount to sell faster as well. It happens. When it does, collectors who are dealers are picking them up and making money on them.


I probably didn’t word that well. :slight_smile: I really don’t know anything about the selling. I have never sold, and never intended to sell when I started. I can see, now, that what I wrote about was only one small piece of it all. :slight_smile: OK. My Mother passed away in Jan., 2011 She had given me her car in October before she passed. It was not new by any stretch, but it was very low mileage. Anyway, it meant a lot to me. I am sentimental. I didn’t want to ever get rid of it. But, about 2 years ago, our youngest son was not working and did not have transportation. He was never going to get a job if he could not get to it. I agonized over that decision, and I finally decided to give the car to him. So, I donated the car to him. But, I kept telling my husband, before I did give it to him, that I was going to tell him things I didn’t want to see with the car after he got it. One day, my husband said, “Are you giving it to him, or not?” I got the message. I had to bite that bullet and let go of the car completely. Now, on the Gollywoggs, or whatever they are, I can totally see how a race of people could be offended by that.

After looking around more about the Gollywoggs, it seems to depict what was known as “black face”. This was where white people painted their faces black with exaggerated features. They then went on stage to perform skits that depicted the slaves as lazy, ignorant, very fearful etc. Of course this was very offensive to the black community. While some of the Gollywoggs dolls looked more muppet like to me, it is obvious that they do replicate an exaggerated depiction of black people. I can see how this would be offensive. I read there are others within the black community who feel this kind of history should be remembered. I am not sure if this kind of remembrance does any good if it is for the purpose of keeping resentment alive over the past mistreatment of people. While there is no denying that racism has and still exists, there is also no good to be had in stoking the fires of remembrance of it either. Thus I am of the conclusion that this kind of doll should not be being made and sold today.


I am totally with you on this.


On the subject of the Golliwogs. They have been in existence forever. My mom is 95 and in Scotland they were abundant before her time. In those days they didn’t seem to bother anyone. There were children’s books written about the adventures the golliwogs had and I remember them well from when I was a child. Times change I suppose.

I have one of the golliwog books :slight_smile: I thought they were fun stories

Wow. Just wow. Is he that ignorant?