pre-owned dolls any thoughts

It’s another thread about buyers selling for more then they paid for, but again, that was an artists choice to list their artwork for whatever it was listed. They could price it higher. So don’t blame re-sellers for that.


I don’t know what the statistics are regarding the percentage of dolls that were not straight from the artists before the pre-loved identification people can now select, so I can’t comment on that. If anyone has the actual statistics I would love to see it. Sellers could say they were not the artist before Dave added “pre-loved” and I thought most did. Sometimes they said they did not know who the artist was and I think then it was listed as orphan. If this is not the case and there has actually been no change in the number of pre-loved dolls listed, then I guess never mind on anything I said. As if anyone cares what I have to say anyway :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: To be honest, I don’t even care what I have to say!

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Can’t agree more. When I was selling on Ebay I was paying between $300- $400 just in Ebay fees. I’ll take his $20 a month any day!


Pre-loved dolls can be filtered out by people who aren’t interested in seeing them, but I’m losing a lot of exposure time because of them and my dolls are taking longer to sell. Some people are even saying that they just got the doll when they list it. They’re not being dishonest but it is affecting me. Don’t get me wrong. I love It’s the only online site that I sell my dolls on.


I really think he should have a separate section for second-hand dolls/preowned sales and keep them separate from new dolls.


I get what you mean.

  • they where on the front page before, but artists didn’t know. All of them seem new. It was a problem for buyers as they had to click to see the description and it was a cause of deception.

  • It’s a selling platform, so we can sell our artistry. Right now artists are mixed with non-artists, alternative artists are not seen, everything seem a mess to search. If I want to buy new it’s confusing.

  • If alternative artist pay the same, they should get the same exposure. To be fair, reseller should pay less and have a category apart. Alternative should pay less too if they have to be in a different category too. If they pay the same they SHOULD be on the front too.


I agree with everything everyone said. Maybe he could have a link to a totally separate from Reborns. Like with his other site. I asked about him having a button for Alternatives quite a while ago but thought that would never happen, glad it is but I have moved on. I still have my free reborns account but will probably close it for now. There is a big market for preloved dolls but I would want to get them cheaper than a new one. Hopefully our new Alternative site will grow enough to be able to sell on there a little cheaper. In case anyone missed it. :slightly_smiling_face:


I guess I never really gave this any serious thought. I see my dolls resold every so often but I guess I haven’t looked through as a buyer for awhile so I’m not sure how I feel about it. It’s interesting reading everyone’s thoughts


I agree if you are not putting newly created alternative reborns on the front page you certainly should not be putting up, excuse my terminology, used dolls!

I do also agree that maybe he should leave the page the way it is at this point or it may scare people away who have been scammed. Like Gina @Gabriell says…its kind of Dave’s brand now.

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I’ve hesitated on renewing my membership because of all the pre-owned dolls. I don’t think they should be allowed on the front page at all! Very frustrating!!!

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I have been reading through all these comments and evaulating everyone’s arguments for or against this. I have come to the same conclusion that Yelena has stated. It is a selling site. Everyone who pays for a membership has every right to have whatever they are selling on the front page. The used ones do say (Pre-Loved) next to their titles when I look at the front page so it is not like anyone does not know which is which. I am not sure by what criteria anyone feels their sale of a just made reborn is any more important than that of a pre-loved one? This site is not listed as being a NEW reborn doll selling site only. Thus, fair is fair IMO.

As far as the alternatives, if Dave is going to allow them to be for sale on the site then he should allow them front page exposure as well because they too paid for their membership. He needs to make up his mind what he is for and what he is against being on his site and go with it. Whether we like it or not, it IS HIS site to run however he pleases though.


Dave added a Filters section where you can choose what to see on the front page.

(I had to select Alternative to see them. But cant remember if I selected preloved or if it was there already by default)


I like this. It’s right there, easy to see and select what you want to see. I think it’s a great compromise.


I like this but either I’m doing something wrong or it’s not working properly on my laptop. When I check alternatives it just brings up all the ‘for adoption’ babies. Checking pre-loved brings up 981 dolls for adoption. Checking adopted brings up all the babies that are for adoption. I’m a little confused. I perceived that these filters would display only the ones checked.

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I tried it this morning and it was working, not working now although it seems the amount of dolls change. Maybe he’s working on it now?

I am sure he will teak it more.
I dont think there should be an adopted filter (that shows all doll through the site including already sold dolls and currently listed)

preloved are default clicked (I think) - if you dont want to see them click it and they will remove.

If you want to ALSO see alternative click to include them

With nothing clicked it shows there is 819
when I click to include preloved there are 981
When I click alternative there is 1004


SO it looks like if you click nothing you get just the new dolls, right? I like this option. There are times I might want to see the adopted dolls if I am trying to determine what the average selling price has been for a particular sculpt. Not all leave their prices up but some do.


They all still have their individual tabs also.

Preloved was a default for me when I went to his site yesterday

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I thought so. That is how he mentioned he was going to do it…

opt out for pre loved

but opt in for Alternatives.

He thought that way people who dont like alternatives wont be shocked to see some more “gory” ones pop up on the home page. Which I understand but kinda sucks that they dont get the same exposure.

I did just see that there is a scroll bar of featured alternatives on the alternative tab now also. But they dont seem to scroll on the front page.
Personally I would NOT pay to feature the alternative right now. You can see all of them on the first page of that tab still.