Question about Tru born orders

We are not talking about an emergency or some unforeseen event. There are things she could have done to ensure those kits were sent as soon as she arrived at her new house. It‘s very simple and only takes a little planning. When you leave your belongings(in this case, many had paid the kits in full, so they no longer belonged to her) in the hands of others, you need to think about what the worst possible scenario will be and have a plan. This will eliminate stress when things don’t go smoothly. For example, I always assume the airline will lose my luggage.
We have brought up this topic many times on the forum. It is important that you have a plan for your business if something were to happen to you. The last thing you want is to have money for a merchandise/doll from a customer and not have it sent.
Please remember, too, that the topic of Truborns poor customer service has been discussed many times. You can do a search to see how many just on this forum have posted about it. Heck, even this post is about someone not having a clue if they were getting a kit. It would be different if this was a one-time occurrence. Plus, if you notice I was the one that had to initiate the conversations about Elijah each time. That seems to happen a lot when someone is wanting to know about their merchandise. Right now, I can’t recall ever having to contact another dealer to get tracking about my items. However, it is about 1/3 orders with Bobbi. If I was holding all that money from clients from those Elijah kits, I would make sure I addressed that issue immediately to ensure that my clients knew I cared that things were not going well and offer an email about a refund or personal update. Instead, she made it all about her inconvenience.


Be careful what you post about Truborns. Even though this thread was the first time I posted about the kits, apparently after waiting 5 months to get them shipped, you aren’t part of the loyal group if you post about your frustration. I wonder if she or one of her lapdogs has screenshotted ALL of our negative posts about her poor customer service and she has decided she doesn’t need our business. I guess the $180 I sent yesterday for the balances will be refunded next. I hope so. I ordered my Elijah kits from elsewhere while I patiently and loyally waited on these. Of course, she has a right to do business with whom she pleases(as do we as customers), but I find this very petty.
@anjsmiles Tagged you so you could easily find this to report back to her.:joy:

:flushed: Did she email you at all to let you know why she was refunding you?

Nope. Another example of her lack of communication skills.
I paid the balance yesterday and received a notification on shipping.

I made it very clear that I let her know things were being said about her here so that she could address the issues however she pleases. I am not ashamed of that and I do not apologize for it. You shouldn’t be saying things on forums about people you wouldn’t say to them. If you thought she has such a bad history of customer service then I don’t know why you ordering from her in the first place. You have made it abundantly clear that you do not like how she has handled this situation and that you think you would have planned better. I guess she made her own decision about it for you in the end. That is on you not me.


Sure. Keep telling yourself that.:roll_eyes: There have been many complaints about her customer service on this forum and this topic wasn’t about the Elijah kits. It was about repeated poor customer service where someone was, yet again, wondering about a package. Plus, more than one person is having an issue. You can’t even blame the move since you have one member getting packages and another not. Did you screenshot all of those and send those, too?
It was my understanding that the topic of screenshotting someone’s post and sending it to nonmembers was a no-no. I thought, too, that was the reason why Nevin made this forum private to only members. Do you honestly think that if you hadn’t felt the need to tattle(just on me, mind you) that this refund would have happened? Get over yourself. You are NOT a nice person.
As far as why I kept ordering……because I do give people adequate chances to prove themselves and I realize mistakes happen. However, this last incident has been the last straw for many. I won’t be boohooing over getting a refund, as I now have the money to spend elsewhere with more reliable dealers. YES!:confetti_ball:


When I started this thread I had no idea it would take this turn. I was just asking a question about shipping, since I never ordered from her before. Although I agree with one of you, I think we should all agree to disagree. Just remember folks, this is Independence Day and I’d like to share this excerpt with everyone.

Our American forefathers successfully worked through strife, fears, and the bullies of their time to prevail in establishing this great country. We, as recipients and inheritors of their magnificent efforts, must hold our heads up high as we express our thanks and jubilation on the 4th of July. Independence Day holiday celebrations that we live in such a great country, and we should be encouraged to work together, hand in hand, to resolve our problems and differences in order to maintain the integrity and values that the great and famous document, the Declaration of Independence was founded upon.

There is an important lessons here that we, too, can resolve all of our differences, and as we enjoy celebrating the 4th of July Independence Day holiday with the magnificent fireworks, tasty barbecues, traditional hot dogs, fun parades and other symbolic events that mark the freedom and birth of our great country, we share a common goal and belief that all people are created equal and that this country is found ed on the belief of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all.

Happy Fourth of July :slight_smile:


I hope you receive your package soon.


Thanks, so do I :slightly_smiling_face:

No, I have not sent any screen shots of anything here other than this thread. I told you from the beginning I would let her know what was being said here because she needed to know. You continued to run her down here and complain about her even after she tried to offer explanations and she made it clear those who were unhappy got refunds. I usually try to steer clear of those like you who have been so full of criticism, meanness and ill manners. You can think what you want about me but I have been utterly shocked at how mean and nasty you have been about her. You have shown no mercy, kindness or tolerance for the fact that she has been going through a horrible situation. If you are ever in need of some kindness and understanding in your life you better hope you get better than you have given out here. I am done with this. It is tiresome and disheartening.

@sewhot I am sorry if I have upset you or ruined your thread. It is very hard for me to sit idly by and watch someone else berate and attack another artist who is going through a hard time.


This topic is temporarily closed for at least 96 hours due to a large number of community flags.

This topic was automatically opened after 4 days.

I hope your kit arrived from Bobbi…. I got Felicia on Tuesday and a surprise gift for my support of TruBorns and her stance one not re-opening SOLE. If your order hasn’t arrived, I would suggest sending her a message through FaceBook. She is honestly doing her best to stay on top of the orders that needed to be shipped out.


I messaged her last week and still have not received my Nino kits.

What are your thoughts on Felicia. I want her but I’ve heard she has a hard head.

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I was surprised that she is so little. I thought large newborn maybe bigger


That too. I was picturing a bigger baby.

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She is tiny, and hard head (though I’ve seen harder)


I would message her again if you have not gotten tracking info. If you have gotten a tracking number then you should be able to look up its progress.

I wonder why the dolls by sandie description says she’s soft vinyl easy to paint and root. :confused: