Question about Tru born orders

How does she have the kits if they were on the truck? How did she get the kits out of the truck and not her other belongings? I was told several times since the end of May that they were on the truck.
Just like it bothers you about the Harper kits, this irritates me. Don’t make my feelings less important than yours. We shall see how quickly she gets them out since she apparently has time to mail out orders for others.


I am also waiting on 2 Elijah kits I paid in full in February and have not made a Paypal claim. I have messaged Bobbi and asked about movers and she told me about the missing COAs. I think the issue is this is a business and as a business owner you have to be accountable- not a personal attack - it is the fact that there is thousands of dollars involved. Just like when you have an annual review at your place of business you know the annual review is not to tell you that you’re an awful person it’s just to look at your business performance and if you are meeting the standards.


I have not asked her about the Elijah kit so I do not know if it or the COA or both are/were on the truck. I am just going off what you all are saying and I have no idea what she told who or if anyone has misunderstood what she said to them. Regardless of the fact everyone wants their kits, she can’t make something happen that isn’t there. No one is discounting your feelings just saying give her some time to sort it out.

From what I understand, kits are shipped directly from the factory sometimes while the COAs come from the artists. So it is quite possible she has one and not the other and if she got the COAs before she left home they could been on the truck and she has since received the kits directly from the factory to her new place. She did say that most of her stuff on the truck had arrived damaged.


I decided to go ask Bobbi about all this myself. It is as I suspected. This is what she told me:

You sent Today at 9:21 PM
What is all this about the kits verses the COA

Bobbi sent Today at 9:22 PM
The Elijah kits shipped to me here at my new address. The COAs arrived before we moved. So they were on the truck.

You sent Today at 9:22 PM
OK so that was what I was thinking

Bobbi Barfoot
Bobbi sent Today at 9:22 PM
I had to wait for the truck to arrive to ship the kits as I can’t mail them without coa.

You sent Today at 9:23 PM
so you had the kits just not the coas

Bobbi Barfoot
Bobbi sent Today at 9:23 PM

You sent Today at 9:23 PM
did the coas come safely

You sent Today at 9:23 PM
or were they lost/damaged

Bobbi Barfoot
Bobbi sent Today at 9:24 PM
The truck just arrived yesterday. I am still opening boxes and haven’t come across the COA box yet.



Yes Shannon, I see in that last message she said they were on the truck. From my further conversation with her last night she said it was the COAs that were on the truck and that the kits came to her new address separately. I told her you said you had received conflicting information about what was where. In fact, I sent her screen shots from here so she would know exactly what is being said. She said, Something was here, something was on the truck. I honestly have been so stressed I can’t recall. I just know both parts weren’t here. I thought the kits came here."

She showed me pictures of all the many many boxes she has to unpack and go through just for her business. She has been working solid on it. She has a room overflowing with kits she is sorting through now into bins as she takes them out of boxes. She showed me a photo of that too. Believe me when I say I think she is doing the best she can. She said she had already had to refund many who did not wish to wait any longer on their kits. If you want a refund she will give you one. I do not think she is a dishonest person. She said, “This has been one of the worst experiences of my life. Hoping it’s just a memory soon.”

Each of you will have to decide what you want to in this matter but I see a woman here who moved and had things gone smoothly and taken the 2 week period she was told it would have been fine. None of us can account for things that happen to us like this and how we would handle it until we actually have had to. Anyways, she is now well aware of what has been said about her here and she is working as hard as she can to rectify the situation.



I feel her stress just from reading this! I am a person who wants to unpack within hours,days, I am not realistic and put a great deal of stress on myself. In other words I can relate.
I can understand her confusion with the orders and where the dolls and COA are/were. She needs our support not anger. However, I also agree with her if folks want a refund that’s ok.

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Not really. The timeline and responses (even before the move)were very clear(unlike her response to Angie) each time I asked or she posted. Never a mention of the COAs until a month later. We shall see……I’m having Deja Kewy. :wink:

Wow, her house is her warehouse! I know in the past many posts questioned truborns shipping etc. I have never had a problem, whether it was from her fb page or the website itself. My impression is she gets it done and moves on, with minimal communication. In the middle of a move, I can only image trying to get life in order and then endless steam of reborners asking, where’s my order?
However, I agree with @cajuncuties it’s a business. Buyers have a right to know and she has an obligation-because many here have businesses they need to fulfill also, as the saying goes s*** rolls downhill. I think some blur the lines of personal and professional, when they refer to this community. All the sellers -BB included, are businesses. They way they conduct themselves is for the betterment of themselves-and of course we usually benefit too. If they didn’t, none of us would be here in this spot today. If you treat your customers well, they return. Hopefully, this is just a hiccup with truborns that will be over soon.
Just my opinion I know many have closer relationships with some more than others. Some prefer to buy from one vendor vs. the other based on certain viewpoints. I think personal stances should be left out of vendor preference. It could be detrimental for that business and those who choose to buy from them.


Yes, it seems to be filling up. However, she has been in an empty house for 8 weeks. Has done videos showing it off. So, in that empty house, how can you get confused on if you have a HUGE box of kits verses COAs? You can see in this pic how much space they take up. You wouldn’t been able to lose anything in an empty house. Plus, with no other unpacking to do for 8 weeks, going through ANY boxes would seem logical.

It looks to me like she told both of you two different things.


I know what it is like to be broken down and emotionally in so much pain that you cannot think straight or move forward. I also have experienced panic attacks and know that when a person is under that kind of duress they are not always capable of pulling themselves up and out right away.


I am not following your comment. Any boxes that were shipped to Bobbi in NC were unpacked and shipped out when they should have been. The boxes that are being unpacked are the ones the movers held for 8 weeks.

She has been in an empty house for 8 weeks. So, how can you be so confused as to whether you received the kits at the new house or not? They take up a lot of space. I imagine we are talking about 50+kits. If they were delivered to the new house, surely she would have opened any boxes and done inspection on them within that 8 weeks. A huge delivery like that would take up space and would be hard to lose in an empty house for almost two months.
The point is that she tied up customers monies for almost two extra months by putting her personal life first instead of taking care of this preorder which she knew was due for release. What would have happened if the movers never delivered her things or the truck and/or kits were damaged? I have only paid the deposit and shipping on mine, but many had paid in full for the kits. They should have been secured and prioritized two months ago. Of course, people are tired of waiting and want a refund. They expected those kits to reborn while the market was hot/new with them and make money to pay their bills. Think of the ones that had customs. Sorry, but it isn’t about poor, stressed Bobbi. Moves are always stressful. However, your clients come first, especially when you are holding their merchandise that many depend on for their own livelihood.


Well you might think you the customer comes first but in my book family and my life comes first. My business would not. We will just have to agree to disagree on this subject as we each have a different perspective on it.


I am the same. Family would definitely be first. I get the thing with customers and all that, but your own livelihood is important as well. Anxiety and stuff ain’t no joke! As for whomever said she shouldn’t have scheduled a move during the release, well sometimes that can’t be helped? Remember, they are people too with lives just like us.