Old Easter Swap post...look for new one!

OMGosh @AmandasBabies LOL!


This is true to some extent but I will say that everyone, including those with or without natural talent, will improve with practice…so how many dolls you do and how consistent you are in the art will definitely have affect on your skill levels. I do agree that attitude, openness to learning also affect our work and of course there are some who are naturally more talented who will have advantage over others …

That is why Izzy has asked for photos along with our other info so that she can try and match people as well as possible and it will be based on the photos, whether a person will ship to certain areas, smoking or non smoking preferences, allergies, what category a person chooses to participate in etc…so will not be an easy job and of course it will make it difficult to perfectly match people based solely on skill level…We have to be realistic in our expectations and realize we may be paired with someone who could be more or less skilled than we are and just enjoy being a part of the swap! :smile:


I agree,nicely said :slight_smile:

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Thanks so much! I’m better now, thanks for asking. :slight_smile:

@westernstarr well said!


I still haven’t picked my 5!!! I just can’t decide!!! Who is everyone else picking???


I let my daughter pick. I can’t remember who all was on the list but I know Gena, Gabriel and Cozy were for sure.


I chose a couple new ones in hopes they will be available in time and the others were “in stock” kits (at least when I made my lists…) I am pretty easy about it though and it probably would have been easier for me to pick 5 kits that I absolutely would NOT like to receive as I don’t mind most of their kits - there are only a few that I totally dislike…lol


Can we send a note like " light face wrinkles/creases, please" lol. Some I like with less harsh nose wrinkles… but dont like them with. Like Jacelyn. lol I like the darker prototype pictures without the nose bridge wrinkle but no so much the main picture shown. lol

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Think I want to play this time, but will have to get the form filled out first. Sounds like a lot of fun and much less stressful as baldies! Thanks for organizing this!


I totally get what you’re saying but I don’t think it would be fair to allow that this time cause then everyone would start putting down specifics and this is supposed to be a complete surprise baby. :slight_smile:


@izzy so glad you are feeling better kiddo!!

I chose Paisley, Precious Gift, Kyle, Leah, and Willow Flower. I think it is just fun to participate in these things plus it gives more practice and lets us see other people’s work.


I totally understand, just wanted to check :stuck_out_tongue:

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I think I picked Anna,Liam,Lexi,Sofie and maybe Jewel or Kate but not sure.


WooHoo, I did it…I’M IN!!!


I chose Isaac (if available), Gemma, Leah, Jacelyn and Celeste. I can’t wait to see who I get matched with.


I did Gracie, Gena, Megan, Easton and Grant. I couldn’t decide!! Lol I realllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly would like Gracie :smile: Hint Hint :wink:


I did not put down any of the babies that say out of stock because I was not sure if we could,but if they are in stock by the time we have to pick kits Charlotte would be my first pick then Naomi then Gracie :slight_smile:

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I thought Grant and Easton couldn’t be included because if size?


Same here, I figured they were not available, but I really love Isaac,

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Oh I didn’t know there was a size restriction