Old Easter Swap post...look for new one!

Sounds like fun! I"m in this one. Never done a bald baby so this will be interesting.

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I want your Asher asleep if we get matched together.


Natasha the Realborns you have aren’t unpopular. You’ll be perfectly fine. :slight_smile:


Love you Natasha. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Just doing the best I can. :innocent: A girl can wish can’t she?


Would be nice if BB ran their flat rate shipping again before we have to purchase a kit if I don’t have at least one of the ones on my person’s list in my stash already :smiley: I can dream, can’t I? hahaha!


Heehee, wish my shipping was just $8 - $16…I would be over the moon…lol I just ordered 7 kits and at the $29.95us flat rate, it only cost me $42aussie shipping…normally if I had ordered those same kits would have been $117aussie shipping …so flat rate is great for us!!! :smile:


I would send @bbsupport and @EmilyBB a message and then send an email to the “contact” on the website. Can’t hurt to ask?

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I think they are probably switching the kits around every few hours so that we do multiple orders so they recoup the postage cost to be honest…if the orders are done while they are away and they can combine all the kits into one parcel when they return, it recoups some of their cost…otherwise, if this is not the case they would just put all the kits on sale at once… If they send them as separate orders, well it does not benefit them at all so not sure…They do have a rule, unless it has changed, that once an order is place, they can not modify it so not sure if that applies to the shipping as well…(with the sale prices they are running and the shipping special as well, I think they might be a bit gobsmacked over an email expecting an $8 postage refund when we have saved half the kit cost but I guess it doesn’t hurt to ask if you think they may give it to you…as the saying goes …every penny saves is a penny earned :smile: .let us know what they say If you do ask, :smile:


I understand fully what you mean…I did 2 orders and paid the $29.95 for each but I doubt they will refund me the second order cause they said they had already shipped off my first one, even though it was on a day they were closed (ordered the 31st and they say they shipped it on the 1st???) and I placed a second order on the 2nd so I am sure that they will not refund me because they are saying they have posted the other - even though they are not there…lol


Ah, thanks for that Natasha…I did not even think of it…Just checked and YEP, they did actually post it off on the 31st…WOW…they are amazingly fast! I have to say that I am impressed and very willing to pay the extra postage for that kind of service…lol


@izzy any updated count as to how many have committed to the Easter swap so far. I am leaning more to joining this one also will be letting you know in the next few days.


It seems like their shipping department is working since most everyone is getting the shipping notices.


I’ve been pretty sick the past few days so haven’t had the energy to tally everyone all up, but I’ll try to once I get better. :slight_smile:


Hope you feel better soon, honey x


Thanks. :slight_smile:

@izzy ~ sorry you’ve been sick, hope you feel better soon!


Sorry to hear that your not feeling well. Get well soon!:mask::face_with_head_bandage: get plenty of​:sleeping: And drink lots of​:droplet::droplet::droplet::droplet:.


I hope you feel better soon, Izzy! :slight_smile: :mask:


Thanks guys. :slight_smile:

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