Old Easter Swap post...look for new one!

Here’s the recipe:

Peach Fuzz recipe

  • 6 oz frozen limeade
  • 6 oz vodka
  • 2 peaches

Add limeade to a blender half-filled with ice cubes.

Pit and slice two medium ripe peaches, and add, with the vodka, to the blender.

Blend, pour into a margarita glass, and serve.

Source: Peach Fuzz recipe


You are so sweet. Thanks for the recipe. I’m at the beach house so it should come in handy. All this waiting is driving me to drink. :laughing:


LOL!!! The drink certainly sounds tasty!

I am still afraid to bake after rooting!

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I’ve got a question too Izzy. What about magnets in the head? Do we insert them assuming the baby is going to stay bald forever, or do we just include them with the baby in case the new mommy wants to add hair and bake? I’ve always thought magnets could burn through vinyl if heated.

You could ask the new mom about the magnets. I, personally, never use them. I’d hate to forget about them after handing the baby over to someone with a pacemaker. :flushed:

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Good question! Again, up to the artist but I’d probably assume the artist could add magnets if they want to and leave them out.

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Since you’ll know who your partner is you can always talk about this with them. :slight_smile:


What if we edit our message today to @izzy saying yes or no to magnets?

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Great idea, @jlesser Jenni! I just edited mine saying that magnets are fine. :blush:

I am going to have such a hard time sending a baby home with no hair! I’ve been reborning for years and never made a bald baby. I don’t mind receiving one bald but wish I could add hair to the one I send. I can do it though. :slight_smile:



Yes, that’s fine. :slight_smile:

Hmmm, I don’t use magnets so I don’t even have them on hand.


I mean if you dont mind someone else adding it.
If my partner wants to put a magnet in the baby they are making, I am fine with it. I will not be re-baking it and there is no one around me with a pacemaker.

I am also fine with the one I get not having a magnet. :slight_smile:


I have no problem with that. :slight_smile:

Oh wow, Misty! I cant believe you have NEVER done a bald baby. :open_mouth:

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Her hair painting skills are too good for that lol!


I haven’t, either. :wink:

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Well, all my REAL babies are born with so much black hair that you can’t see their scalp. I really enjoy painting hair. I’ve practiced it so much because I can’t stand rooting. I have lots of little ones and it’s too frustrating to stop and start again and again. With painting it’s much easier for me to pick it right back up and “get in my groove” so to speak. Lol

That’s very sweet Izzy that you think my painting skills are nice. It’s like icing on the cake when I get to that part. It’s so much fun. I see SO much room for improvement. It would be nice to be able to sit for a whole day and try different techniques…

I can’t wait to see all the babies. Im excited to find out who’s baby I’m painting too.



You guys are cracking me up! Magnets and @maitreasuredbabies is still on alcohol! Lololol I have to say… I do love rum chata!!! Yummmmmm!!! Oh! I just found a nice cold michalada in my fridge! Cheers! :tropical_drink::tropical_drink::tropical_drink::tropical_drink::tropical_drink::tropical_drink::tropical_drink::tropical_drink::tropical_drink::cocktail: