Old Easter Swap post...look for new one!

Technically the signup deadline is tomorrow midnight lol…so unfortunately the earliest you ladies will get your partners list is Sunday. :grimacing:


I think that would be fine if it is what you normally do with your babies when you reborn them. I don’t think we would have to change our style…just can’t add hair on the head… :smile:
And since you brought up, it made me start thinking…are we going to varnish the whole head? I normally only use the varnish on the face to just past the hairline and around the neck and ears and don’t varnish the top of the head because of rooting the hair…so wondered should we varnish the little baldy over the whole head (just thinking that someone may want to root hair or paint hair on their baby later on after they get them…or is that not permissible?


Good question. I say varnish the whole head in case mommy leaves it bald.

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Eyebrows and peach fuzz are fine, I’d say. And I’m no reborner so I’m not about to make rules about what to varnish lol! I trust you ladies’ judgements on that.


Are we allowed to root or paint hair on the baby if we decide we want hair at some later date or are these to remain baldies for life…heehee (doubt that I will root hair on the one I receive as I collect and will just love having the doll in its original form from the artist but there are some ladies here that do lovely rooting and hair painting that may want to add it if it is permissible??)


Eyelashes okay, too?


Yes, hair is completely ok after you receive your baby! Technically you can modify your baby any way you want once you receive it ya know…just can’t make a profit of any kind off of it. :wink:


I mean eye brows, peach fuzz and eyelashes are fine, but since there’s some newbies I won’t require them. I think most artists here can make best judgement on whether or not to add them. Really anything flies as long as your baby is human (no alternatives this round unless your partner requests a fairy) and there’s no hair on top of its head lol.


I always varnish the whole head as well.


So do you ever have any problems with the holes looking more prominent or with it sort of crusting around the pierced vinyl(turning whitish) when you put the needle into the vinyl??? or is it harder to push the needle through with the varnish? I have never tried it over the whole head because the part that I do varnish just past the hair line seems harder on the needle than just hte painted vinyl so just asking out of curiosity???


Thanks Natasha…I will have to give it a try…


Do you find the head harder to root with the varnish on it? and does it make it harder to root one hair at a time?

I varnish all over the head too before rooting.

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Ugggggh…I thought we would know on the 16th. Kill me now before waiting one more day does!:sob:


Lolololololol @Blissfulbabies

I love peach fuzz :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:. Isn’t that a drink?


It’s 10 am here and now I must have a peach Bellini. Thank you for the wonderful idea!


I always varnish the entire head, too, Starr. I paint the eyebrows after rooting so the head gets baked 1-2 times after rooting. If there are any white spots, they go away after baking. Here’s a WIP pic of a head.


Ooooooo, that little head is looking great! perfect little swirl going on there…love it! :smiley:

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Looking good @AmyR777. Love the color.