Old Easter Swap post...look for new one!

If a only a limited number can be made a lot of them will sell here before they’re even produced.

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haha true but I’ll have to talk to Kimberly about that. I’m really nervous about getting all of your hopes up so early. What if I squish her? What if she cracks? What if Kimberly can’t produce her for some unforeseen circumstances? What if the mold breaks? Yada yada yada…:joy: I would just hate to promise you all something and not be able to live up to it. Which is why I’m being so hesitant. :wink:


Okay, don’t fret. Just keep sculpting. We’ll wait. We wouldn’t want to take the fun out of it for you.


Thanks, Jean!

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Isn’t Jean the BEST? I love you to pieces @jeanhai :heart:️:heart:️:heart:️

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Here’s the notification list for this baby if you want in!


I hope you are getting a big cut of the dough!!! Is there any time frame? I want to make sure my dollars are ready! I know she will sell out lightning fast! :zap:️:zap:️:zap:️:zap:️:boom:

Too early for a time frame. Who knows how long it will take me to sculpt the rest of her. :grimacing: I’ll update as soon as I can! :heart:

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No rush!!! This is so exciting!!! Is your dad super proud of you???

He is, actually! It’s super funny cause he hated this hobby til I sold my first OOAK and then he goes ‘make more!’ Haha so he loves that I’m sculpting but is too scared to look at them. I have to turn my sculpts facing the other way when he’s around so it doesn’t creep him out. :joy:


Lolololololol I think a lot of the guys in our lives should form a reborn group to work on their fears and phobias. Lolol I’m glad he is being supportive!!!:heart:


I love your way of thinking, Nikki lol :joy:


So…today’s the day?


Yes, it is. I can’t wait!

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Yes! I’m halfway through sending out the info. My dad just got mad though because I wasn’t finishing up this chinese essay I had to write him so I gotta finish that and it’s back to sorting lol!


Hopefully BB sales change by the time I get to order. LOL, or I may wait a day or 2 after finding out which kits and see if one I want comes on! lol


Yay! Will be watching and waiting.

I think we have until the end of the month. I’m waiting to see if any of the new ones that are supposed to be stocked get stocked…well assuming my partner wants one of them :wink:


Yup Jan. 30th is the latest you need to have proof of supplies in. :slight_smile:


Everyone should have their partners now! Let me know if the info you got seems off or if I missed you for some reason.