Lets make a Baby !LOL

Awww thank you Holly Dolly-Divinity was so tiny and special-We raise these lil guys and each season we loose one or two And it always is so sad-but some just really get into your heart !!! We called her whine bag -LOL cuz when ever the bell dinged on the microwave she would start crying -she thought I was comming with a bottle !!!She would climb up my front after drinking it and curl up around my neck and just purr away -untill she burped !!LOL
Yea I really miss her !!!
Well things are setteled down for at least a minute so I am back to working on lil Cozy and will post more pics this evening when hubby comes home to help me …so see ya all soon !!!
I want to see some of your babies too!!!

I finished painting my Cozy. I did put a sealer. I think it made a difference, but it is not as “waxy” looking as some that you see. I have a new camera, so I hope the pictures are better. I have been satisfied with them, anyway. I added the black and white just 'cause I thought it was neat. Enjoy.

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Kimomax !!! Your Cozy is just beautiful !!!I am painting on the hair on mine and other than that and rooting she is done -photo bucket has messed with my album and know I cant figure out how to copy the code so I can show ya more pics -Very aggervating!!!

Thank you very much. I used a little bit of your process and some of the othe ideas mentioned plus my own ways. I am very satisfied with how she turned out. This is the first successful time with a sealer. I was very nervous. Now, I still have two more heads before I get to hers.

Thank you. I use genesis red, very diluted. I actually start adding layers of blush early on in the process. Sometimes I add just a teenie weenie touch of black just to tone it down. For the lips, I use red with black in it. The lips I start with layers, too.

I think they are coming along very nicely.

Well here are pics of cozy finally !!! She still needs the hair glued ,some glossing and a body _ really love this little one !!

The pics are awful -its been raining (but beautifully sunny today ) so I couldnt get good lighting -I am headed to Sis house so Bro in law can shoot some good ones !!!

She is looking so cute. She has such a peaceful look about her.

She really is sooooo cute -I should have waited to post the pics but I was excited to get her done -you cant even see the skin texture and I love that effect!!!

Wow, Betty - she’s gorgeous! What color mohair did you use on her and where did you get it, if you don’t mind my asking?

Really beautiful baby !!! You pass the class with FLYING colors!!!

I should have known. I was admiring her on ebay and didn’t know it was you. She’s beautiful. I like the more olive looking skin tones. Super job.


i was unable to do a doll with you but i am now able to do spencer. Question can i do spencer the same way you did cozy? LIKE In the phototype of spencer i want to get the same coloring as in the pictures shown with the dark hair in B.B. gallery. What washes and skintone would i use? I’m looking towards a olive skintone.

Hi ! You can def. use this tut on spencer -if you want to go a bit more on the olive side -You can make an olive green wash (use Raw umber and a bit of Phalo green ) I do not see olive under tones on the baby girl spencer -but more of the warm Blush and yellow ocher tones (to me )Just be careful not to make an orange baby-Feel free to ask for help we all will pitch in and help out if we can

Thank-You Cher. So when you say more warm blush and yellow orcher how much and at what point. UR right i do not want an orange baby.


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