Lets make a Baby !LOL

Well things finely have settled down and I am back to Cozy -I am working on the creases and shading -I am using BB lip/nail/blush and eyelid purple for my crease color -here are some pics

The color I go for is a dark red wine

As you can see it is still thin and watery and after blending just leaves a hint of color

and here it is being blended-

so glad you are back, hopefully your life get back to normal. I finally finished my reborn and started your cozy tutorial, only to find you were missing in action, LOL. I went ahead on my own with creasing but may go back to redo it your way. Thanks for doing this, Sonja

Awww Sonja -if yours looks good you should leave it !!! This is for all of us to share and learn -could you post pics of yours ?
I will show veins and capallaries tomorrow-here are ears/206ShadingEars.jpg" border=“0” alt=“Photobucket”>

and being blended…

and doing the chin crease

Cher - based on your pictures I can see that I need to make my creases darker so will try your paint formula. I did a combination of your colors and Betty’s too, maybe too much of a good thing? LOL. Here is my Cozy so far: Hugs, Sonja

Well I think your creases are just fine !!! baby looks very nice -keep up the great work!!!

.Here are a few more pics of doing the creases…

Morning Ladies -I have to take Johns Mom to the DR about Her Knee to day so will not be able to work on Cozy till later this after noon if at all -Couldnt do anything yesterday -Just to sad … lost my tiny Divinity kitty at 12 weeks and 5 days -she was up to 14.7 oz and just so adorable I fed her at 6pm and then we went over to Johns parents house to make dinner for them got home at 10pm and she (the kitten) was limp and unresponcive -took her in at 7am and Dr song said she had a massive stroke and needed to be put down -so sad to loose That lil Angel-You get very attached when you hand raise and bottle feed !!!Dr figured She would likely Not have been over #2 full grown if she would have lived and thats just too small-her two litter mates are double her size and will be about 4-4 1/2 pounds -Thats small enough!!!
Anyway will get back to our Paint along ASAP

All the steps that Cher has done are all posted here. She does have a video on neutralizing that she mentions in an earlier post in this thread.

I have worked on Cozy some. The picture just isn’t capturing how she looks. I will be trying a different camera soon. I have one on order and it should arrive in the next few days. I have blushing to do yet.

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I cant see your Cozy Denise!!!Oh now I can -How sweet is that ???Love her !!! I was at the Dr with Johns Mom all day fri -was over there almost all day to day and have another appointment tomorrow -I need to paint !!!

We miss you, Cher.

Well I had two seconds to check in and read some posts -off to the Dr with Johns Mom again -but hope to be back home by noon and back at this baby!!! Sorry its not going quite as planned !!! I promise we well finish this !!!

Hi Ladies!

I just checked in after being gone for a while and I didn’t know that you all were making a baby!!! I’m stripping my Cozy and I will be joining in tomorrow. This is great, thank-you so much Cher for doing this.
