Lets make a Baby !LOL

I now have a base I can build on - See everyone tomarrow -I am off to Church!!!

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Cher, I’m interested. I am just bogged down with a temp job this week and have EMT class on Saturday to get ready for. I also had class Monday and Wednesday. I will get caught up and post picks at first chance.

Hi Cher I’m interested too,trying to get all the info I can. Reading the thread not painting yet.

I am starting the flesh layers now -using O7 for the first layer will post pics soon !!!

I am so sorry to here your both sick -I spent 11 day in the hospital 2 years ago with Phumonia and it was NOT fun -were you gals able to watch the video ? what do ya think???

And yes baking between each layer !!!
I loved that I was able to acomplish this in 3 steps !!!

Wow !!! Sounds like a place I wouldnt want to go !! Oh yea Thats what I feel about all hospitals !!!

Aww sweet Jewel !!! So well you be neutralizing at all other than the B. sienna wash ?

Hi Cher your baby is looking good can"t wait to see her finished. Where do you find your video I’d like to see it. Thanks Linda
I found it sorry didn’t look down far enough

Just go to : reborningartists.com
click for the free download !! Enjoy!!!

Awww Nellerina-I am so sorry -Have you ever been to rainbow bridges -its a memorial spot for people who have lost their pets -As the furr mommy of 8 I know just how hard it is and am so sorry for your loss
For those who are fallowing along on Cozy here are the flesh layers I have done :

This is 1 layer of flesh o7-one loaded brush- pounced on with a inny sponge (lil holes plucked out of the surface with pointed tweezers)

Here is the inny sponge and outtie sponge (the outie sponge is plucked so that the surface is a bunch of platos and valleys that give a spotted effect when pounced-gives a nice subtle motteling effect if done VERY thin )

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After baking I did the same flesh o7 and this time added some lip/nail/blush to make a light dusty rose color-pounced with the outie sponge !!!

Here is the color you want

and here is the very subtel color change when applied

Wonderful again Cher! I love the outie and inny names for the sponges. Thanks for showing the difference and explaining what each does. Makes a lot of sense, told me something else I didn’t know.

So glad you are enjoying this -its alot of fun -also alot of work !!!I got up at 6am this morning so I could get all the kitties taken care of and start back at this again !!
It a a beautiful day so far and I got up to a Momma and baby Peacock tapping at my deck slider (I toss them a handful of dry cat food when they come around -and now they are here most of the time !!)They are soooo beautiful -and great intertainment for the cats !!!

Looking great Ladies!!! Its amazing how each can go in a differant direction and all get wonderful results -Its what I love about reborning !!!

Yes I am going to post more tomorrow …Sun I am in church all day so
No posts for today …see ya tomorrow

Here’s a link to a chart that shows you how to make red oxide, plus alot other colors. Hope it helps. I mixed my own and tried it. Thank you for your tip. I am liking the color that it gives.

Store FAQ – Still Moments Nursery … chart.html

ladies thank you so much for your in-put its great to see all the differant ways each artist does things -that chart is great !!! thanks for posting the link !!1
I have been tied up caring for Hubbys Mom -she hurt her Knee and is unable to walk -stupid DR. asks if she can use crutches after being admitted 2 times last year with broken arms due to falls -and that was on two legs!!!Any way I am hoping to work on this cutie some more tomorrow and post more pics !!! I hope everyone is having a good time with this thread and learning from each other!!!