Lets make a Baby !LOL

Thank you Kimomax -I plan to do many more after the holidays are over so stay tuned as they say !!!LOL


would that be the last step? then blush as usual?

You are so welcome !!!

So glad you like it -I am going to do more soon !!!

Bumping this up for folks. Great tutorial for neutralizing the neutral light peach. (Sienna, etc.)

Great information and interesting read too…

Bumping up

Thanks for the bump-up. I was looking for this a few days ago.

bumping up

I’d forgotten about the tutorial and I have a Cozy waiting to be done. Glad that you bumped it up to remind us it was there. Thanks!!!

Hi Ladies, well I was beganning to paint on some dolls so I thought I would look up Cher’s tut to go by. I really enjoyed reading this. Now I’m gonna to put it to use. Glad I reminded others of it.


Thanks Kiki for ‘bumping’. This little gem gets lost and is ever so helpful and answers so many questions people ask.

Hi Barbara and Welcome to the forum. For awhile some of the kits were a very gray neutral color and that was Cozy’s color to begin with.
This was to bring the color up to a good starting point and then continue on to make him a beautiful gorgeous baby.
Multiple reasons for the washes. Translucent skin with depth, no chalky dry looking skin, build up and adjust colors until it’s just right and not going overboard too fast. and probably more I’m not thinking of.

Bumping up for new people.

Can somebody bump this up again? I don’t know how😩

You just did. Just by commenting on it you put it back on the top of our ‘new’ threads. THANKS!


Oh yay!!! Is it at the top?? Lol

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