Let’s show our WIP part 4 (Part 3)

He’s a little on the red side but, hey, at least it’s not grey!


She’s gorgeous! I love her colors!


I love him!!! He’s the perfect newborn color :smiling_face:

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Thanks! :grin:

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He looks great! Very newborn.

Lovely girl! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Not grey at all! Love him!

She’s Beautiful Cherie, Her coloring in “spot on”!!

She’s Great Pia, is she for a doll show or does she have a new Mommy already?

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She is for KDS, but has a very interested potential mom that bought a Brace baby from me last year.

She might not make it to KDS.

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@jeanhai @YelenaRey thank you! :blush:

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Love it so far!

I love red babies, he is cute! x

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I finished rooting Lucas yesterday! Forgot lashes as usual :laughing: so I’m doing those this morning. I used the hairstyle from Veronica Lale’s version of Lucas as inspiration and am so happy with how it came out!


Did you do a map before starting to root it that way? He’s beautiful!


It is gorgeous!

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Just the hairline left to root.


Love the curls! :heart_eyes:

Thanks. I’m really liking them too. Glad I decided to do it.

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