Let’s show our WIP part 4 (Part 3)

Thanks! I love your skin color too :slight_smile:
I’m using the Smooth-on Silc Pig

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What sculpt is this? Adorable!

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Thank you! He is Rani from Melody Hess

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Did you add a removable tongue?

Oh, yes- I made the tongue. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Beautiful, love her

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Thank you!

Do you ever have to neutralize silicone? And if so, how do you do that? Pounce the color on like you would vinyl?

Yes, and it still looks too grey to me in person. I tried all kinds of things on it. Last thing I did was a strawberry red coat. That and a flesh layer seemed to help the most.

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Oh I don’t think it looks gray at all I think it looks amazing! I was just noticing the flange part, and made me wonder that

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Winter by Laura tuzio Ross

Used 4 different colors of mohair to create this dirty blonde color of hair i usually use only one color of hair.

She has green eyes

Any other Easter babies?


Lucas with wet hair



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Started pix of Quinlynn…then spent a good amount of time in basement due to tornado warnings…hoping to finish today.


I hope the tornado bypasses you.

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Lucas is a Girl…


She is a little sweetheart Pia!!! :two_hearts:

It did…touched down about 20 miles from here but no one was hurt.

There is a ton of damage all around us…we seemed to be protected in a u shaped hole…:raised_hands:t2:

I knew I loved these hills all around me for a reason…:wink:

Sonia works about 45 minutes from here and it ripped the roof off a school and several other buildings.

Downed power lines… Ripped the doors off of the Sam’s club there. Her captain’s barn was destroyed and he lost several huge trees…one which fell on his cruiser😱

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Love it!

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Thank you!