Let’s show our WIP part 4 (Part 3)

Rooting Megan still, shes almost to the old man stage


Working on Ellie by Irina Kaplanskya. No vision for her yet…


I didn’t really, I don’t usually map, I just look at the head while rooting and know when to change directions and such. I did do a small sort of map on the top, just of a strip area that I wanted to do with darker hair with closer spacing so I didn’t go over the lines and have an uneven strip. The lighter hair in front and the hairline I just did by looking at the photo and adjusting as I rooted. That’s usually the only kind of map I do, just to mark off areas I plan on rooting differently. Unless I’m doing a video, then I map because I think I’m supposed to :rofl:


Oh ok, that makes sense. it looks beautiful and I love the color you chose for him :slightly_smiling_face:

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Love the lips! Pretty color!!

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I’ve never had this many of my babies all at one time. Only Bailey and Penelope are assembled. I’m trying to get motivated to paint hair on Max, Uriel, and Sebastian. Teddy is about 90% done with her skin and looks much better in person. I wish the economy was better for sales.


You need to get a table at a doll show! Beautiful babies.


Come to Rose! There are still tables available. :heart_eyes:


You knocked it out of the park with him <3

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Being a vendor at ROSE is expensive. I’d be happy if I could just be there. Not happening this time. :sleepy:

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All beautiful! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Ellie is finally starting to come to life


Thank you, ladies! I really wish I could come to ROSE. I homeschool my autistic son and we got a new puppy recently, and my husband would be overwhelmed. But it is a dream for one day. :blush: :revolving_hearts:


Home stretch for a hairless Harlowe and cuddle Rylee that will most likely end up with prisma hair now that I have more pencils. I have been working on rooting Eliza still, I’m just very slow at it haha.


I love this little one


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They look beautiful!

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Thanks Evee

Thank you!

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She’s gorgeous already :purple_heart:

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