Let’s show our WIP part 4 (Part 3)

Thank you, Evee! :heart:

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Working on Lisa by Adrie Stoete. She will be a cuddle. I love this face.



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Samuel Brace is getting hair…


Two sets of eyes ready for DOTWE.


Really nice. Good luck at the show.

Thank you. I hope they sell well. The less I have to try and worry about bringing home across the border and dealing with the better. Since I haven’t sold them before I have no idea how they will do or what sizes and colours will do best. At least if I’m a vendor again next year I’ll have a better idea.


Early start on custom partial silicone Jayden Scholl !


Forget her name, but my goodness is this kid big. Put her away a while back and now I know why. One extra layer in and my arms are TIRED!
(black areas are because she’ll be a bit of an alternative)


That’s Realborn toddler Emmy.

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Ah, right. Thanks! I can’t keep up with all the names, especially when I have had a kit for a longer time, haha.

I want to use this wig on Gabriella but I am not sure if I should glue it or not ? I kinda like the idea of being able to change it if someone wish to (or wish to root her instead) but I am afraid it will not be very secure.


I think I’d glue it. It would be more difficult to comb and style if it’s just sitting on her head. It looks good and if someone really wanted to root it, even glued wigs can be removed.


Thanks! I didn’t even think about that.

Can you attach it with Velcro?

I am not sure if the velcro will hold long. I think I will just glue the top.

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I usually glue wigs on with E6000 but for my keeper toddler Emmy, I just strategically used straight pins…they can’t be seen, leave tiny holes if any, and her wig can be changed or her hair rooted…like I’ll EVER root anyone, let alone that big head! :rofl:


Oh yes pins would have been a good idea if I planned to keep her ! Thought I may do just that. She’s for a contest at my doll show, so I don’t think she would sell there. Maybe I will let an eventual buyer decide if they want me to glue it.


I think that’s probably your best option. Bring glue to the show in case somebody buys her. Then you won’t have to ship her.

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I have just finished assembling her and I hurt everywhere :confounded: I don’t think I will do a lot of those kids reborns ! I will post a picture of her after my show!

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