Let’s show our WIP part 4 (Part 3)

Omo, she’s precious. Is that human hair you used for her?

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Ready for hair? Ive done just a tiny bit more on him


Thank you! It’s a wig.


I had one named Rachel. But my favorites were Tia Lee, Lia Tee, and Pia Dee. :rofl:


I had Chocolate Baby. Who was black. My friend’s mom said “Oh you’ve got the prettiest chocolate baby!” So that was her name. I can’t remember any other dolls names

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I still have to finish hair on these babies, but their outfits came and they are so adorable!


They look amazing!

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Chun Mei, ready to assemble

Here she is, I tried for a kind of porcelain doll look. She’s a chub! My hat’s off to all of you who make these big kids; it’s a job!


So nice! x

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Adorable! Well done! x

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Thank you, Gina!

Thank you!:slightly_smiling_face:

So sweet… very oriental looking with her panda and haircut!

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Thank you, Pia!

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That second to the last picture is an adorable pose! What a cutie and I agree with the “big doll” syndrome, too much for me too Karen.

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Thanks, Lynn! I’m working on a big crawling Kenzie right now and then I’m going back to newborns! :rofl:

She turned out so cute!!! I did a Kenzie…that’s as big as I want to go…I don’t think the long, straight limbs would fit in my cooker…:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Thanks, Cherie! It was a stretch getting Chun Mei’s legs into the NuWave using 2 extender rings, legs one at a time, propped on a towel, leaning instead of actually lying down. I painted Amelia several years ago and of course Big Joe, but that’s about as big as I can handle. I think I might paint Ashley after Kenzie :laughing:


Drawing some hair on Logan before I attempt to draw any on Lavender. I love how she came out and might set her aside until I can practice drawing hair more.


Gorgeous I love her

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