Let’s show our WIP part 4 (Part 3)

Gorgeous eyes! You are doing a phenomenal job with these eyes, there’s a big market out there for you, specially if you can keep your prices reasonable. Go get 'em girl!!

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Thanks so much Lynn. Pricing, that’s another decision.

Some of the last few I have made.

Jupiter had a scratch near the mouth , someone suggested that I made her a cake smash baby (@YelenaRey I think ?) Thanks for the great idea!


Aww, Jupiter turned out GREAT!
And that painted hair on A. is exquisite! I save it for my references :wink:


Great painted hair and beautiful babies!

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Had to take a little break due to some kind of autoimmune flare, my doctor is still trying to figure out what is going on but the steroids worked! Cuddle Logan is finally ready for some gloss and lashes. Lavender is getting hair this week, and I’m going to check out those $20 kits because I just can’t help myself lmao


It’s tempting me so much also :wink: but I am trying to convince myself that I already have so many.


Lol I stopped myself at 3 and stuck to sleeping kits I know I would like to keep. Darren because I just want to paint that sweet little face, Zuri to be a twin with the awake kit I already have and Laila so I can attempt a portrait baby with her photography pictures. Handed my credit card to the husband after and told him to cut me off. No matter how good the deal is I am officially out of dolly dollars (and room) until further notice haha!


Awe, the sound of a true reborner :wink: Next we will see “how do you store multiple kits?” type questions :stuck_out_tongue: :upside_down_face: :shushing_face:


Pretty hair on Alexis

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Thank you @YelenaRey @pia and @quiltsabunch ! I am trying to improve my prismacolor hair technique.


It looks Awesome, you’re doing a Great job!! Beautiful hair.

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Currently ignoring approximately 700 other reborn and non reborn WIPs, I’m working on some hands for the current Bonnie Brown Sculpt Along baby. I’ve named her Temperance and she might be done in 3 years if I follow my usual timeline these days. I also don’t think I’ll be able to duplicate this hand, and I’m terrified to mess up what I have done while I finish the rest of the hand.

And just for funsies, here is one of my first attempts at sculpting, I think I called her Ainsley, then squished her:


Too bad you squished her. She just needed a little tweaking. That’s a pretty good start on the hand. The other one doesn’t have to be exactly the same. Most aren’t.
I just submitted a request to join the Bonnie Brown Sculpt Along. I hope they approve me. If nothing else, I’d like to watch.


Thank you!

Down to a dime size spot!


Yay! You are almost there! Love the color and curls - look so natural.


I love that final circle.


I’ve been working in small bursts on her hair and I think it’s coming out okay. Started with the espresso pencil and switched to black.


Bella by Melanie Ingold and Macie Brace silicone WIPs. They just need matted and they’ll get brows later!