Layette box round one deliveries 😁

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Fill out the questionnaire on the other post and send it to me in a message :slight_smile:

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Ok I did it can you make sure I did it right ? This is my first one

Got it. Looks good. Thanks

Canada Post finally came through, haha!! My beautiful box arrived!!! Thank you SO SO much @mommarobin - everything is so beautiful and ridiculously soft!! My partner has just dressed her newest baby in the sleeper and it feels so nice. The colours are beautiful. And I was just talking about how we really need a cute winter hat!!!

Thank you again!!! :blush:


Super cute !! Love that hat :heart_eyes:

Glad it finally arrived! Good thing I mailed early :wink:


Yay nice, that hat is adorable!

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I was waiting at the door! Thanks @Ledbetterlittles Feel better soon. Special thanks to @Katinafleming for the beautiful dress. I can’t show the baby that it is for because I may user her for a challenge but as soon as I paint her I will post a pic!

I received an amazing box which consisted of Blanket, Dress with bloomers, moccasins, 2 headbands, Fox leg warmers, Cat Onesie, Mickey Mouse diapers, Giraffe Lovie and a paci with a leather paci clip.

Click on pic!

@Katinafleming the box arrived open. I don’t think anything is missing though.

Thank you again!


Uh oh. It doesn’t look like anything is missing. Thank God. :wink:
@Ledbetterlittles we miss you! Get healthy and get back on here asap. :heart:


Love it all! Beautiful colours!

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Thanks! It is prettier in person!

I got my box today! Thank you SO much @Katinafleming! I have to wait for tomorrow morning for pictures because it’s so dark in my house, but I’m so excited to share. This was an extra special box for me because it’s all beautiful things for a kit that I’m making next that wears size 6-9mos and I had NOTHING in that size! :heart::blush::heart::blush::heart::blush:


Can’t wait to see!


Lovely items @AnnieSokay ! Love the colors in that dress :heart_eyes:- @Ledbetterlittles keep better soon - prayers !!
Can’t wait to see @ashleyfox98


Those are gorgeous, I would put that on my dream board! You nailed it @Katinafleming you did ledbetterlittles proud I am sure! I sure hope we hear from her soon I am getting quite concerned


Kali pretty much put that together. I sent her a picture of that Matilda Jane dress a while back and told her to send me accessories. All the brown stuff is what she came up with. I pieced the rest together with stuff from my stash. It worked out well that she had Anne. I wouldn’t have been able to build a newborn set that represented Kali. :wink:


And I’m quite concerned about her too. She popped in 17 days ago and sent me this message. Two days later she said she had an appointment the next day for med adjustments. And I haven’t heard anything since. I found her on Facebook and sent a message which hasn’t been read. Her profile is private. But her husband’s is public. His makes no mention of anything bad. He hasn’t posted in two weeks. So, I’m hoping things are okay and she’s just in the hospital getting used to her new meds. I think we should send her a cheap tablet though so she can have something to do.
Normally I wouldn’t share an inbox message. But I know everyone is worried about her. So I think she would be fine with me sharing this from two weeks ago…


Please PM me your PayPal address, I’d love to contribute to a tablet for her. :heart:

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I need someone else to pick one out and send it. I’ll gladly send money. But I’m not good at picking out electronics. :grimacing: