How's Irelyn coming?


Ok good luck ladies :slight_smile: im gonna have to back out of this challenge. Iā€™m having some medical issues at the moment an wonā€™t be around for awhile. I do have him almost done with the painting but not sure how Iā€™m gonna feel after my treatments an surgery. I will still try my best to have him done by May 15th but im just not sure how things are gonna turn out. take care :slight_smile:

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Leslie, Iā€™m so sorry to hear you are having medical troubles. Irelyn certainly takes a back seat to that. We will all be looking forward to seeing her whenever you are well and ready to finish her up. Recover quickly. hugs and prayers, Helen.


Sorry to hear your not feeling well. Best of luck with all your treatment. Like Helen said, after you feel better, show us your Irelyn even if the contest is over.


Iā€™m sorry to hear youā€™ve got some medical issues to deal with. :frowning: I hope you get better quickly. :smiley:

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Leslie, so sorry you arenā€™t well. Best of luck with surgery and recovery.

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So sorry your having to go through this. I wish you the best with whatever it is your facing and a speedy recovery. Annie


Hopefully I will start rooting tomorrow :slight_smile: I have to have Irelyn finished by Monday or Iā€™m out of the challenge, I leave Monday for a month out of state to my daughterā€™s to await the arrival of my new grandson :slight_smile:


Thank you ladies. Iā€™m trying to atleast get the painting part done figured maybe I can bring the head with me to my appointments an root while Iā€™m waiting. I wanna finish it so bad. Iā€™m really gonna try to be done before May. This kit is kinda growing on me. I popped some eyes in last night just to see. I think heā€™s gonna be cute. Mine will be most likely a boy as like all my babies canā€™t seem to make a girl lol

@lisalampe, you can easily take that baby with you to finish rooting and assemble at your daughterā€™s house if you donā€™t finish!


Lisa, you might be back in time to finish up because you have until May 15th at midnight. Congrats on the new baby coming soon!

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I really didnā€™t think to bring her and finish rooting there (not sure why lol) so yep if Iā€™m not done I will bring her with me and finish her when I get home and submit in the nic of timeā€¦thank ladies for the suggestions


We are all just selfish. We donā€™t want to miss out on seeing your Irelyn, LOL.


Oh my! I finished painting my little monkey and put it together just to see what body Iā€™ll use and I couldnā€™t help myself; I put an outfit on it and now I LOVE it. ( Iā€™m calling it an it, because the gender will be a surpriseā€¦lol. ) I will start the hair tomorrow. This baby definitely grew on me.


Ok ladies, I didnā€™t get in on the challenge but I am sooooooo excited to see what each one of you do with this kit. Shes not my favorite by any means so to see her done differently by all that have taken the challenge is going to be amazing. I canā€™t wait~ :baby:


:smile: Iā€™m looking forward to seeing the new babies too. Go ladies! :baby:


I gotta stop shopping and get back to work on her head. Iā€™m about half way done with the rooting.

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Soā€¦when the challenge is over, is there going to be a glut of little Irelyns on the market?


Jeanhai, I suppose there will be a few. Iā€™m not in a hurry to put mine out for sale because I have several others to sell first. But it might be good to seek lots of different venues to sell to avoid a bunch on ebay at once. So we should explore Etsy,, etc. and not just concentrate all the Irelyns on Ebay immediately following the challenge. Do you agree ladies? Interesting question thoughā€¦ Deserves some thought.

Hmmmā€¦it might bring less money if too many Irelyns are in one spot like ebay auctions. Less bidders per doll, perhaps. Either that or it will start an Irelyn craze and sheā€™ll become the hottest thing since Cabbage Patch Kids. :laughing: