How's Irelyn coming?

I am very frustrated with my Irelyn just now. I rooted her lashes, hated them, ripped them out. I’m going to use glue ons. I don’t like how her hair looks. I’m not pleased with her skin or shading, or just about anything I’ve done on her so far. I need distance! No more irelyn til after Easter. I think she’ll look better to me then.I hope.


Helen, maybe the break will make things look better. :slight_smile:

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I’m still rooting!!

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I hope so, cause the outlook is currently not so good!

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Like everyone said. Take a break and come back later. Hang in there. Remember, it’s just for fun.


If you really hate it, there’s still time to strip it and start over.

Well, yeah,…I guess,sigh. We’ll see what I think when I go back to her.

As I said on another post, just as I was about to set Irelyn aside, she “came to life.” She’s finished, photographed, and my entry is in. Anybody else got their pictures in yet? I know at least one other person has.

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Been real busy with family and spring break. Will get back to rooting her soon. I want to put her together so bad.

Great job, Helen!

Thanks, Amy, considering I was about to trash her yesterday morning! LOL.


Just a lil’ something. I want to encourage ALL who’s in the Irelyn Challenge to keep at it. Your all doing so good. We hit obstacles we grab it and find a way by getting more creative with it, around it, through it. Helen you brought forth such a awesome and wonderful idea to put creative eyes on this kit, I love it ! I’m not paint ready to join but i want to push you ladies in the challenge fun of it. You can do it ! Take a rest, take a break but get back on that brush and make this baby happen. Behind every kit is a face waiting to shine forth and a story no doubt. You my dear is holding that brush to make this kit come forth as a lil’ work of art to be. I’m staying posted with my pom poms :slight_smile: . Doing good, doing good !


AW! That was so awesome. thank you so much for doing this. I’m sure everyone will feel very inspired today. Yay!

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Your welcome. I’ll be here like I said :slight_smile: with my pom poms :slight_smile: . I am so so excited about seeing everyone’s lil’ Irelyn and just want to help out in some small part. I’m waiting on my paints and I don’t know when they will finally get here. BUT O O O WHILE I HAVE YOU ALL ATTENTION, GUESS WHAT LADIES, I just now saw Linda Moore, is it, prototype of Irelyn and that’s when I saw a glimpse of my nephew at this age. He was a funny but cute looking baby, lol. This kit definitely captured his lil’ cabbage patch mouth, that’s what I call these pucker in lips, lol. So let me take yall back in a nutshell. My nephew been sick all his life and he recently passed from illness last year at the age of 25 I believe he was, leaving behind a beautiful daughter who is now 1. Then unexpectedly, recently I ran into a kit that look so much like his baby hospital picture, although this Irelyn kit could be used as well but I will be going with the Kaysen kit in making a memorial baby. It’s just amazing how either kit will do. There’s a bit more puffiness under the Irelyn kit eyes. It’s amazing when you find a lil’ one that have similar features, uncanny. Well I hope I can do the memory justice in such a capture using the Kaysen kit by Bobbi Perez, they do look similar. I have not finished yet my first reborn and found a few not memorial but memory art dolls I would like to make, that’s my art challenge there :slight_smile: .

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That is so wonderful, chianna. I know you’ll have a great time doing that little memorial baby. He will mean so much to you. I guess this is why you didn’t feel you could join the Irelyn challenge. You have a challenge all your own to meet! We’ll be watching “with our pom-poms!”

If I had my paints I would join in the Irelyn Challenge as well. I just started Reborning and was working on my first kit when my daughter got a hold of my thinner and drunk abit of that. She is doing fine now but that was a scare. I stayed in the hospital with her for a good week. So now I am a artist that’s encourages all artist to be more careful with our supplies around little ones and even our fur babies. Any other time my supplies would be put away but on this day I left it on the table and she crawled up there and… my God, so thankful it wasn’t as worse as it could have been. So that definitely put a halt and made me reconsider using the paints and stuff, which I was in lean on the fence about to begin with, do to the smell of the vinyl in baking. So I’m transitioning to working with air dry paints which offers a better air quality environment that I prefer. So that’s where I am at on that :slight_smile:

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Oh, good heavens, what a scare. My oldest got into the bleach when she was two. (child-safe cap and all!)
She didn’t drink any, but she basically took a bath in it. We had her in the tub with changes of water for almost an hour before the bleach smell was gone. Luckily, no harm done. I am so glad your baby was okay!


My cousin and I had measles at the same time so we shared a bottle of baby aspirin. I still like the stuff! I also got up on top of cabinet to eat my sisters chocolate that she hid there, but it wasn’t chocolate, it was Ex-lax. There were probably some repercussions from that, but I don’t remember. Little kids are very resourceful when it comes to mischief and danger.


Apparently they don’t have any taste buds, either!


Ha Ha! I ate baby aspirin and exlax also as a child because it tasted good.