How's Irelyn coming?

What are you studying, Mandy?

@honojane Helen… I am one course away from applying to nursing school. I want to be a labor and delivery nurse. Would love to work in the nursery as well.


That is such a great career. I have several friends who went to nursing school. One had a hard time with pharmacology and burned the late night candle to get it, but she came through great. She’s retired now but would still be a nurse if she hadn’t had several injuries (not work related) that keep her at home. She loved nursing. I bet you will too. I had a heart attack three years ago and the nurses were so sweet. They brought me special treats and warmed blankets and chatted with me about their families and God and everything under the sun. Afterwards I wrote them a thank you note on the admission board and felt I was leaving friends behind. Be that kind of nurse, Mandy. It’s amazing what it means to your patients.


I am that kind of person. I have lots of compassion for others. A great nurse is hard to come by. Now just hope I am able to get through this school stuff and into the nursing program.


You will. You most certainly will. I see how you make it a priority in your life. If you continue to do that you will meet your goal for sure!

I’m still painting my Precious Irelyn and I love her.
Can someone please, please tell me how & where to post our pictures? Thanks so much!
Can’t wait to see everyone’s… So excited!
Hugs & God Bless :slight_smile:

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Send one head shot and one full body shot to Debra is setting up the poll for us and will post all the pix at once when the time comes. WIP’s, if you are doing them, can be posted on the forum in WIP area anytime.


Yes I’m excited to , at this time I’m just following along and staying abreast. Looking forward in seeing all the Irelyn’s from all who decided to join in on this awesome challenge :slight_smile:


Thank you soooo much Sweetheart!!! :slight_smile:

Well, I’ve been working on her painting. My husband (who peeks on my babies while I’m working on them) says she’s going to be “pretty.” I’m still in the “I’m not sure yet” stage. I keep staring at her face and going: Should I do this or that to make her better. Definitely a challenge!


I’ve had a lot on my plate recently and told myself I couldn’t do Irelyn until I took care of these other things. He’s been sitting on the table looking at me. Last night I couldn’t stand it anymore and I caved! So, my Irelyn is now a WIP. (and the other things aren’t done. LOL)


Good for you! The “other stuff” will wait for ya!

That’s hilarious!!


oMg lol too funny

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Dress him in a turtle theme! Could be cute.


Maybe don’t dress her like a grandfather… (If you don’t read my other comments, you probably won’t get this one.)


You guys are cracking me up! Thanks!:heart:️


Aww, poor Irelyn. You’re hurting his feelings.


My company left and I finally started on Irelyn this morning…yeah. I really like the limbs.


My Irelyn is painted and waiting in line for hair