How's Irelyn coming?

I totally understand, and those things come first. Maybe we’ll do something like this again in the future. It’s really been fun so far.

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The kit calls for 22mm eyes. I’m using 20 mm and will stuff the sockets to hold the eyes in place. I felt the 22mm made him look bug-eyed.

I think both sizes look nice and it depends on the look you are going for. I can’t wait to see how yours comes out.

I know it was hard for me to decide so I dressed this baby both ways and still can’t decide. So for my entry I put her/him in a pink onsie and a brown onsie then its whatever each person sees. Good luck on your decision.

LOL! That’s one way to solve the problem.

I haven’t started yet. Had a little set back from a fall and injured my hand. Luckily my head is hard just black and blue. Hope. To get started soon. Can’t wait to see everyone’s.

Are there still irelyn kits available? I am wanting to join!! Can I leave eyes in when baking?

Yes, there are first quality kits available for $29.95. There is still plenty of time to complete your doll as the deadline for submission is May 15th at midnight, Eastern time. (I think it’s Eastern time.) Yes, as long as your eyes are not the “soft glass” eyes. Glass eyes and plastic eyes are safe at the temps at which we bake. Go back and read old posts with Irelyn in the title to get more information on rules, submissions, etc. Or you could contact Debra_Lynn on this forum. She is handling the voting and posting etc.

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@honojane Yes those have to come first …sadly! I haven’t gotten to work on Corbin in over a week. Our store manager is on vacation for 10 days so that only leaves 3 managers to pull the slack at the store. Needless to say my part time job (that has been more like full time lately), plus college full time, and life in general…has made my painting take a back seat.

About 6 weeks of class left this semester and I hope I can slow down a little. I am ready for some beach time!!


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Thank you Jane!

Oh, no! I hope you’re head and hand are feeling better.

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I’m glad there is a break coming for you soon. It sounds like you need it. I hope you can work in some reborning time. You need something for relaxation too. Of course, the beach is a definate option. Is it warm where you are?

Actually, my name is Helen. Jane is my middle name. Honojane was my childhood nickname. (Pronounced hun-noo) . You’re welcome Nichole. I love the spelling on your name.

Poor little Irelyn – never my favorite - but I know there are lots of people who love to do fantasy/gothic/strange babies and I think she’d be fabulous for that. :innocent:

Maybe some little gnome-like gollum? But at least for the challenge, that’s off limits. Rules say: Must be a human baby. She is definately a candidate for that kind of treatment though.

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Thank you Helen! Nice to meet you! I love hearing about people’s names😃! Thank you for sharing:-)

Thanks Amy. One of those crazy things. On the mend hope to get started soon.


I am still painting, but am hoping to make Irelyn a girl. I am loving her.

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@honojane (Helen) Yes it is getting warm on the Atlantic coast of Florida. Water is still only about 65 degrees though. I do need a break… so I am looking forward to this semester being done. I did take a couple hours tonight to work on Corbin. He is coming along slowly LOL
