How's Irelyn coming?

Hello all you Irelyn challengers! How are you all coming along? I am currently rooting and gradually becoming attached to my strange-eyed little person. I suppose it was inevitable that if I worked on her I would come to think she was kinda cute. I don’t know that she’s challenge-winning cute, but only time will tell. I am not posting WIP’s though it’s terribly tempting. I can’t wait to see all your dollies. I’m trying to hurry because I am about to lose a chunk of reborning time. I got a summons to jury duty yesterday. I have to commit to two weeks, but they seldom keep you for that long. We’ll have to see. Where are you in the Irelyn reborn process?


Believe it or not, I haven’t started yet. I have out of town company coming and I’m doing cleaning and then entertaining. I will start after they leave. It’s washed and ready to go. I might sneek a couple of coats on it when I get a few minutes. How many of you are using the original limbs? I’m going to go ahead and use them.

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I’m having fun with her. I chuckle every time I take her out of the oven and see those eyes. Started rooting yesterday and have decided on (what I think is) a perfect outfit for her. We are bonding…I think I’m seeing what the artist had in mind when she sculpted this little swan.


You still have plenty of time. I’m using the original limbs. I actually like them a lot.

Put some eyes in her. You’ll like her better then!

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I love that. You should name her Swan! She definately is like the ugly duckling. Adorable.

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Same here honojane getting attached and thought she was looking pretty good. Well ,my almost 3yr old granddaughter comes & i asked her what she thinks. She said she’s cute nana but she looks like a monkey . Talk about let down !! Lol


That is the comment everybody makes about poor Irelyn. " She looks like a Monkey." Hair and eyes definitely help though. Keep having fun. Personally, I’m having a total blast trying to bring something special out in her. And watch, your granddaughter will want to keep her when you’re done.LOL


I wish I was doing her with y’all!! I can’t wait to see the Irelyn’s you all create. This thread made me chuckle LOL



I am really loving this sculpt!! He’s coming out so cute. I’m very glad we are doing this challenge or I probably would of never REborned him. Having a lot of fun with him or her. Not sure yet if its gonna be a girl or boy. Most likely a boy :slight_smile:


I think I’m in love with this little one. My hubby calls him monkey boy! Still working on rooting. Still not sure if it will be boy or girl, probably boy.


It’s not too late to join, Mandy.

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Mine was going boy, girl, boy, girl, but she has stayed a girl ever since I started rooting. So I guess my “ultrasound results” confirm that she’s a girl, LOL. I can’t wait to see the boys and girls you guys make. The deadline is miles away, but I’ll probably need a lot of that time to finish. Her arms and legs seem to have lost some blush so I have to fix that. I have to put her together, decide about magnets, and finish the rooting. I have a about a third of the head left to go.


I have finished painting and am working on sealing and some fine details. Definitely a sculpt that has grown on me and rather quickly at that. I am using a smaller sized eye and will pack the socket from behind. That improved things. Mine is definitely looking all boy. So far I’ve been calling him Benny.


I considered the smaller eyes, then went back to the larger one. Mine aren’t set yet so I’ll probably try both before I set them, just for a final decision.

The larger eyes make her look softer, but contribute somewhat to the monkey effect. The smaller eyes make her look more human, but are less baby-like too. It’s a tough decision on this baby, and it’s best to just try both, if you have them, and see which ones you like.

Disney baby. LOL!

Thanks! Can’t wait to dress her up.

I haven’t started mine yet but he’s sitting on the table looking at me. I’ve liked Irelyn from the get go but I’ve always thought of him as a boy. That could change, though, by the time he’s done.


@honojane I would join y’all but I am afraid I won’t get done between work and school time. sigh


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