How's Irelyn coming?

Okay. Let’s wish for that.


I’m keeping mine.


I agree about her limbs. I will probably sell mine eventually if I can get anyone to fall in love with her.


I am still painting on mine. Getting close just not at the right stage yet. Don’t know how many layers I have on at this time. Hope to have mohair in hand by the time I get ready for it. Never thought about the over flow of Irelyn’s showing up for sale. Mine will be a keeper as one of my granddaughters has her eye on it. It’s going to be a blast to see all of them in May!


Well a few weeks left so I started to root figured I could always use the heat gun on the eyebrows. I’m gonna keep mine also. This kit is growing on me. Ok so when we are done where an who do we email the pictures too? I saw it somewhere on here. I lost my reading glasses so yes I’m blind at the moment lol

Found it the email to send the pictures. I’m a mess this morning lol


Leslie needs a cup of coffee!


I’m still on the side waving my pom poms !!! I finally got my air dry paints but I need more time to work with them to pull out the colors I like and want but I have begun working on another little one. I thought I wouldn’t like her but in the process she begun to pull on my heart strings. So in that vein of thought I thought this inspiration sums it up lovely for it was my inspiration as well …


Rooting mine still :slight_smile: gonna try to get it done in the next few days. I’m using different rooting needles an it has been a challenge. Lol

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Just about done just have the assembly process left. Was waiting for the hair to dry inside the head. This one was even a surprise for me the way it turned out.


@lovengrace The inspiration poster is great! Love it.



I’m hoping to be finished rooting tomorrow. Lots of hair on this baby. Then gluing , drying, styling and then put together. Then take pics and submit. I only have 4 days off to do all this before the 15th because I also have to go out of town.


If I had to do Irelyn over, I would definitely use different limbs. I was able to finish rooting my head. (Might as well get it done while hubby is on steroids) and I’m putting body together. Those legs were not meant for that head. They are very big and heavy compared to that little head. I tried the front loading body, but that didn’t look right either. Oh well. I should be done with it tomorrow. Waiting for the glue to dry. The face definitely grew on me.

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Body and limbs are weighted, stuffed and assembled. Waiting for glue to dry. Then I just have to attach his head and dress him. I’m looking for just the right outfit while I’m waiting. Anxious to share. Can’t wait to see all the others.

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If I were to do Irelyn again it would be with 18 inch body and limbs. I used smaller limbs (19 inch) but they’re still too big. I may switch them after the challenge. I love the limbs that came with the kit but they’re not a good fit with this head.

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I used a smaller body and it worked out well for me.

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I used a smaller body, also. It’s better, but not how I’d like it. I’m really picky about everything being proportionate.

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Helen, did you use full leg body? I tried it and it looked stumpy.

I used one of the new BB bodies if I remember right. It looked good to me.