Gracie Mae

Is she really 18”?

Got my shipping notice :blush:


Mine now says it will be here tomorrow! Woo hoo!!!

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For those of you that have received a shiny footed kit, has washing it in dawn cut the shine?

Not on mine.
I did dawn and hot water, scrubbed with a toothbrush

then wiped with rubbing alcohol.

still shiny.

So I primed it with Reborn FX primer. (I have used heat set over this just fine previously)

Now it is better, but havent painted anything yet.


Thanks for the heads up.

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I am still waiting on mine but a friend just messaged me she got hers and was shocked at how small it was. What is up with these smaller babies like Delilah and Quinnlin Stoete/Brown that they call NB sized? To me those are more preemie. I will be disappointed if she is that small. Still love her face but I like bigger babies. I miss the days when Laura sculpted the true newborn sized babies like Knox, Miracle, Esme, Quinnlin, Serenity etc. In fact, I would like to find an affordable blank Serenity because I sold the ones I reborn and I want one for me.


I think this one is a nice size, she looks to be bigger than Delilah and those other more preemie size babies…but it could be because I’m almost 8 months pregnant and the thought of pushing something out this size again seems plenty big enough :joy::joy:


She’s bigger than Delilah and Quinlyn for sure. She’ll fit newborn nicely. I wouldn’t mind if she was a little bigger though.


I got her!!! Yes, she is smaller than Miracle was but not as small as I was worried she might be. I am in love with her for sure! Glad I got 3!


My 3 were just delivered… 157, 158, and 159. I only ordered one with tummy plate…


Ya’ll might think I am crazy but another thing I love about this kit is she has big feet! I love baby feet! I am not in any way disappointed in mine! I love her! In fact, I may end up keeping 2 for twins and only selling one reborn. My numbers are 283, 284 & 285.


I received mine today the 21st of June. She is so cute, I didn’t order the tummy plate or belly button stub but she is sure cute, kinda wish I would have ordered another one! She’ll be a keeper----but then all of mine are, I don’t sell, what a coward.


I’m the same way…


I love her!! I like her size and the way she poses and curls up when held. Another Wonderfully sculpted baby from LLE

Im going to paint one for myself and save a kit for later


Got mine a few days ago. She has the shiny feet too. I have UF sealer so I can use that, but would I just do the shiny spots or the whole kit? I’m leaning towards the whole kit… I don’t know when I’ll paint her. I feel like I at least have to finish one of my incomplete babies first. Zodi has been waiting for hair for like 2 years lol.


after neutralizing and a couple of flesh layers, I couldn’t deal with the shiny feet so I did add a thin sealer layer.

Moving on tomorrow with more mottles…


Ive done just shading, blushing, and veins on mine…been busy with school and midterms coming up


I did air dry with one of mine. Some imperfections but she’s cute.
I didnt buy the plate.
She’s ready for hair.


These Gracies are all so pretty!!! Jennie…you are fast!!!

I just got mine washed yesterday…probably wont start unitl next week…maybe??

Today is blackberry jelly day!!!

They are on…and my BIL brought me 5 qts yesterday!!!

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