Countrycradlereborns? Do you know this person?

I did not comment on the pregnacy but knew it was a lie. She claimed due date in dec. Which means she was only days pregnant and you do not get a positive test that early. She avoided any questions about a doctor. And only asked questions about clothes and accessories. Terrible if she scammed someone.


That was her! I knew I seen that name recently. I however did find out through bloodwork one of my pregnancies just 2-3 weeks in.


I haven’t seen anything from ether side in this since it was brought up in this post so perhaps it has all been resolved .

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I looked at her Instagram page and on March 22 she again announced she is pregnant. I had a weird sense about her on this forum from the start.


Yes I did as well however I could have been wrong this time lol so I just waited to see and the true person will eventually appear .

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wow this is weird. I’ve replied to some of her posts and would’ve never imagined she was not for real. sorry this happened to you. Hope you get your money back. This is a strange situation for this forum. In one post I thought she said she had autism…maybe this has something to do with the situation…not sure.

Yes, never pay as “friends & family” unless you know people really well.

But $500 is lot of money, and fraud is a crime, there is somewhere a website for special police unit that investigates on line fraud; google it. And also try your bank.

Did somebody say they sold a doll to her? in that case they have her name and address, that would be handy to give both to PP/bank and the police. Please, do all you can; if she gets away with it, she will do it again.


Oh wow :frowning: So sorry you are going through this. People like that really piss me off. What is wrong with some people?! As others have stated, and I know at this point it’s pretty redundant, but, never pay through friends and family. I really hope you are able to get your money back. I want to know who this person is

@Countrycradlereborns, if you are reading this, do the right thing and return the money. You are young and have your whole life ahead of you… You messed up. Okay. Now is time to fix it. Do it before this becomes a legal process which could involve police, jail, court proceedings, and a criminal record that will haunt you for life, making it difficult for you to do anything, including getting a job. If the bank gets involved, they likely will refund her and use whatever legal resources they have to go after you. They have a crimes department at the bank just for this purpose.

I’m talking to you like I would my own daughter if she ever did something like this: Give the money back, apologize, and make this right before this goes any further


It appears she has been here reading as recently as 3 days ago so she must be aware of this being on here and as far as the one who posted is concerned she has not read anything for eight hours .
So throw a mess in and leave ? You are sweet for trying to help but I think this will come out just as the one you tried to talk to before did .

People don’t think sometimes. What she has done is the equivalent of robbing a bank and leaving her ID at the scene… If she didn’t think that through, she is probably not thinking the rest of this through, so perhaps the obvious needed to be pointed out. You may be right. She may not listen. She can get whatever is coming her way then. I tried.

As far as her reading here, she is probably reading it now, just logged out. You don’t need an account to read the forum. Anyone can see it.


Or just to throw in another angle in a twisted need for drama what if the one who has just joined and posted is the one who was supposed to have done the deed :smile:
I know I know it is a stretch lol but it has happened right here since I have been a member people come in as one personality then come back as another
Not saying I believe this is the case just throwing it out there it is hard to tell who is dealing fair and square anymore .


It’s breaking a commandment…thou shall not steal…that in alone I would hope will make her return the money and ask for God’s forgiveness and all will be well again.

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I’m friends with her on Facebook. Let’s see if she’s active.

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I cannot find her anywhere, but even in my Facebook group anymore. Is her Instagram active?


Instagram is still active:

Ironically, this is one of her posts.


That possibility did cross my mind, as well.


Take note that “agiftfromabove’s” supposed name is “Lexi.” Isn’t that the name of the doll, also? What are the odds? Something smells bad. It appears someone may really feel they need a lot of extra attention right now. But this is not the way to get it.


I noticed that as well but figured I had said enough already lol I did direct her to the post about someone on Instagram wanting and asking for that baby
As in What is wrong with people? She didn’t reply to that post .


Hmm :thinking: It has happened before. :zipper_mouth_face: